Short editorial March 24 2016
Belgian Secret services under the sea level of capacity and readiness, people hardly starting to understand what happens, a Czar [Tsar] doing what he wants to protect his interests with no opposition [does someone remember Ukraine?], the USA on their knees after 8 years of Obama Clinton Kerry, the separation between Western Europe invaded by Islam and Eastern Europe reacting by nationalist and dictatorial tendencies, closing itself; des-integration of the European idea spoiled by the Capital and ultra piggy liberal ideology and corruption, Turkey of the Sultan and his double talk, supporting Islamists and sending them to Europe, making mistake after mistake in his foreign policy.
I am looking for a Churchill, a Ben Gurion, and I see only puppets, including in Israel. Very sad.
Tuesday 8 December 2015
Margot Wallström is not a good
sucker but at least she is cheap. I never was in a Ikea store, I will
not visit any store soon, even the Israeli ones. I am not proud of the
Israeli government, rotten whores. But it is definitely not an Israeli
monopoly. Ask Kerry and Fabius. Now it seems she is the top.
Do our nations really deserve such mediocrity?
Do our nations really deserve such mediocrity?
Friday 27 November 2015
Sunday 12 July 2015 Iran
nuclear agreement
Obama and Kerry are good in Gospel:
"I bow my knee before your throne,
I know my life is not my own,
I offer up a song of praise,
To bring You pleasure Lord Ayatollah.
"I bow my knee before your throne,
I know my life is not my own,
I offer up a song of praise,
To bring You pleasure Lord Ayatollah.
EDITORIAL Saturday June 27 2015. France after
Charlie and January 11, part 4
At the end, the [Western] media: I see France2 almost every day and
I notice here and there the manipulations, the no-said, the wrongly-said. When
the Palestinians on the Mount of the Temple burn the French flag, it is very
fast said and you see only the ending of the action when hard to recognize the
flag. You speak about the “suburbs” fast too and about the newborn theories of
conspiracy, about the minutes of silence that cannot be set up, forgetting that
if the pupils have this culture, they inherited it from home where Islamic
anti-Semitism is tradition. But you must not rise up the subject, time is to
calm down the atmosphere, criticize would be stigmatize.
First they say that salafists and fundamentalists are not [from]
the Islam, not integrant part; then they marginalize them; then they separate
them from the French Muslims / Muslims of France and separate them too from the
suburbs. At the end of the process, the Muslims of the suburbs, they are
the real victims.
Islam does not mean submission anymore, anti-Semitism is stranger
to them. The official doxa [discourse] told on France2 [as an example] holds
always the same refrains with some speakers coming mainly from the radical
Left. From broadcast “On n’est pas couché” [“We are not lying - in
bed” when ironically you ARE lying] to “Ce soir ou jamais’ [“This evening or
never” - we wash your mind] and until “Des paroles et des actes”] like the one
of end of May 2015 – everything is done to hide the background: anti-Semitic,
anti-Christian, anti-West - of a massive minority of Islam in France.
I write in my memento about auto-intoxication, we are deeply
inside. But not everyone is falling into the trap despite the intense
brain-washing the French are victims of. Overdose of tranquilizers which do not
influence any more, and sadly the shelter only towards the extreme-Right. We
call that ”to fly to the wall”.
Were the hostage crisis at the Hyper-Casher coming alone, would
they be speaking about it like they [don’t] do about so many anti-Jews attacks
for years? How much uneasiness did I see on the screen because targeted victims
are no more only Jews? How many people happy to protest to defend Liberty felt
suddenly wrong because you must add to the reaction to Charlie’s massacre an
additional reaction to anti-Semitic acts? For Charlie-Hebdo yes, for the rest,
it was not “our” concern. Despite Toulouse. Despite Ilan Halimi. The French
needed this shock of violence to start understanding that THEY are targeted.
Like always, the French Jews are only barometers of the state of the Nation.
The French Jews leaving to Israel do that because of fear, un-safety or
Zionism. At any case not by hate of France whose they represent in culture and
affection. And then churches are targeted. Here too the official discourse
wants to play jamming of clues on the name of “no confusion.
Saturday May 2 2015
The New York Times criticizes France for the too long skirt affair. I am not sure it is a right solution there but the real point is: this group of imbeciles, associates of the Korean atomic bomb, associates to the soon Iranian bomb, associates and smartoutim [floor-clothes] of the Obama's catastrophic policy; they are the good ones to criticize foreign countries! What a shit! Sure the skirt was longer than your courage and your cleverness.
And don't think that I drive for Bibi, for me he is not less rotten-shmock than Obama. Two nuances of shit. The worst is that I am even not vulgar. They are.
Editorial Thursday 23 April 2015 – France after Charlie and January 11, part 3
The New York Times criticizes France for the too long skirt affair. I am not sure it is a right solution there but the real point is: this group of imbeciles, associates of the Korean atomic bomb, associates to the soon Iranian bomb, associates and smartoutim [floor-clothes] of the Obama's catastrophic policy; they are the good ones to criticize foreign countries! What a shit! Sure the skirt was longer than your courage and your cleverness.
And don't think that I drive for Bibi, for me he is not less rotten-shmock than Obama. Two nuances of shit. The worst is that I am even not vulgar. They are.
Editorial Thursday 23 April 2015 – France after Charlie and January 11, part 3
Charb, Charlie-Hebdo’s manager was saying that he was alone, that there
was no one against the Islamic terrorists. There was the “need” of the massacre
of 12 people at the newspaper’s offices to – at last – understand the
importance of the danger. I am cool: the
Republic will continue to lie down in the suburbs, the Arab/Muslims will
continue to hunt the Jew and the infidel [Christian] who will try to escape;
nothing will happen, we pay today and we will pay tomorrow those “lost
territories of the Republic”. [April
2015, only by chance, the avoiding of terror attacks in churches.]
Charb was alone like the Jews are alone: over the declarations,
sometimes sincere, there is the law of large numbers. The Jews have Israel or somewhere else,
Christians have Canada or the USA; for the rest who cannot leave, have mercy!
The suburbs will continue to become Hamastan, the media will keep
on with their magical incantations and hate of Israel as if it had any
influence on what occurs inside the French motherland.
TV5 pirated by Islamic sites will continue to spread its propaganda
against Israel, everyone will keep on saying that the fundamentalists have
nothing to do with Islam, in short, they will continue to not name the things.
“They wanted to harm the Prophet, they looked for what they
received”. How to answer to this polluting idiocy?
I would like also to speak about the recuperation of the events,
out of French actual leaders.
For dictators of all sorts who starred at first line: corrupted
Islamic dictatorship like Erdogan in Turkey, the African or Arab torturing jokers,
including also Mahmoud Abbas [Abbu Mazen] supporting Palestinian terror with
French taxes.
Recuperation made by French politicians absent when Charlie Hebdo
was in real and financial danger. To see Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille town,
this Great Prostitute of the Republic, at the head of the protest, grants me
but the bitter taste of vomit she inspires when looking at any price to
recuperate the votes of the Arab/Muslims in Lille. Thank you “Terra Nova”
cells, thank you Pascal Boniface. Pierre Mauroy, former mayor, certainly rolls
over in his grave. This mire is a pure symbol of the collapse of the Republic,
the symbol of the betrayal of the elites, the people who push France down. To
evocate the Communist party, between 1939 and 1941 the first party of the
collaboration with the Nazis, has no importance now, there has never been
anything to hope from this Stalinist garbage, even if they try to recuperate
every opportunity. Concerning the Red-Green-Brown ecologists or the
Islamo-Trotskysts, we are, here too, accustomed to their mud.
Editorial Saturday 28 March 2015 – France
after Charlie and January 11, part 2
We saw that following the attempts, with the violent protests full
of hate against France in the whole Arab and Muslim world, from Ramallah and Gaza – of course even if
not shown too much, till Morocco and Pakistan. Concerning the threats of the
supreme religious authorities in Egypt, Turkey and other places… It is logical
because it follows the massacres of Christians in the whole Middle East region;
except of course in Israel.
It is by the way not a question of democracy or West: China,
Russia, India too among others; all face violent troubles with overheated
Muslim minorities.
At the end let’s remind that Muslims massacre themselves with the
greatest generosity, easily destroying mosques and their close populations.
After all, they don’t need the West to act so.
Here appears the first back step made by the French authorities
when they refuse to admit it: the ideological-religious locking that Islam
creates when setting by force the orders of the imams above the temporal laws.
In this will, at any price, to avoid “stigmatization” you refuse once more to
ask the real questions. This is what makes people upset and pushes towards
right extreme because only its people speak about that. This deadlock lets us
thinking that there will be no change, everything will be as it was. Francois
Hollande speaks about terrorism. Not about Islamic terrorism. Nor Obama neither
Cameron show ready to get wet. They are afraid. The attempts in London and
Boston were only the hors-d’oeuvre, all is to happen.
The creation of a superior comity of Islam in France did solve
nothing. The most fundamentalist branches lead it, cause fear and pressure,
with money coming from Qatar and Iran. No one cares. Preaches every Friday in
Arabic language against France, the Occident, we still see them protesting
everywhere including in France: no, you cannot say everything, you can insult
everyone but not THE prophet [Ah! There is only one?]. No doubt that the
cowards inside the French media, the majority, will shut down more and more.
I am looking at those politicians who protest [January 11], who show themselves and I ask myself: Where were they before?
Saturday March 14 2015 – France after Charlie and January 11, part 1
Two months after the events and the great protest of January 11,
it is time to start trying to summarize the traumatic period, the word is not
exaggerated, that France was caught in. We need time and to distinguish
numerous points. Without being politically correct.
First, there is a difference between knowing that a fact may occur
like terror attacks and the “fait accompli” that suddenly hits. There is a
before and an after. It was possible, probable – it occurred.
Second, France is not alone under fire but we understand it, the
terror net is international and French Prime Minister Valls said it, at last:
France, Europe in its whole, the West in its geographical and cultural
representations are targeted. One week after Copenhagen was in the line of
Third, it is still hard for France to call the things by their
real name, to call a spade a spade, and the cultural issue that Islam sets as a
religious AND political ideology remains covered up.
Let’s be careful: we do not have to castigate millions of French
Muslims disgusted too by the massacres and stuck in the crossfire, but the fact
that only the Islamic religion and its interpretations are the cause of most of
the conflicts happening in today’s world. We must clearly distinguish between
individuals, who no matter their origin can hold exemplary attitude (like we
saw with Lassana Bathily at the “hyper-cacher”) and the great trends – and
their leaders – for whom death of the infidels is a divine command. No, it is
not clear that Islam [which means “submission”] is soluble into occidental
democracy, which is another sort of government with its own a priori and axioms
[gender equality…].
Friday January 9 2015
Welcome to Francistan. We are all CHARLIE HEBDO.
Friday January 9 2015
Welcome to Francistan. We are all CHARLIE HEBDO.
Editorial 5 Novembre 2014
Events in Jerusalem – real start of 3rd intifada, tension with Jordan made fragile by Daesh, agreement and betrayal of the USA on their knees against Iran, Lebanon crushed, Mahmud Abbas [Abbu Mazen] playing with fire but Bibi too, Qatar with double talk, Ukraine under implosion…
Events in Jerusalem – real start of 3rd intifada, tension with Jordan made fragile by Daesh, agreement and betrayal of the USA on their knees against Iran, Lebanon crushed, Mahmud Abbas [Abbu Mazen] playing with fire but Bibi too, Qatar with double talk, Ukraine under implosion…
Why? First of all because of weak and impotent
leaders and their lavatories counselors: Obama, Bibi, Yaalon; and a John Kerry
building the road to Evil with best intentions. There is no difference between
Right or Left, when idiocy and weakness are the same. Do we really deserve such
mediocre leaders?
Sunday September 7 2014
Obama: "Daesh [EIIL/ISIS] is the regional issue, not Iran".
Obama is right: Iran is a worldwide issue.
To help them is to commit suicide. The Chinese taught us: the best wars are yours made by others.
Editorial 06 September 2014 – Tsuk Eytan –
Second strategic considerations
English translation of last week in French
1 The first amazing thing is the declared will to not liquidate
Hamas, a will announced since the first Security Cabinet gathered start of
July, [it is said that the PM Bibi himself gave the news to journalists, a
secret of state for political reasons]. Taking control of Gaza strip would have
cost hundreds of dead soldiers so it was not a reachable goal, added to the
fact that it is better to have a weakened Hamas than a multitude of micro
organisms without any superior authority capable to hold order and conserve
1B So Hamas knew we were not going till their end, so that they
were allowed to make a lot of various actions.
By declaring that the enemy is not to be dropped down, by sending to
Gaza hundreds of trucks full of supply every day during the fighting, just when
the Hamas mafia alone is dispatching the goods; by not attacking its leaders
directly for the first forty days, we were looking and destroying under the
street lamp instead of hitting where the real need was: i.e. in the nervous centers
of the enemy.
1C Fact is proven and Intelligence on this matter is clear: it is
the re-start of personal attacks on Hamas leaders which precipitated them
towards an agreement, when they started to tremble for themselves, feeling the
threat close too much.
Lesson of History is that a mortal enemy, only proclaiming your
erasing, must be annihilated. The sooner; the better. To conserve a “weakened”
Hamas to avoid “somalization” of Gaza is a heresy which will cost us a
Neighbours are looking at us: Hezbollah in Lebanon, they too build
tunnels under our villages of the North of Israel, Syrians and rebels in Syria
too; Daesh [EIIL] and the Iranians – all look towards an Israel hesitating, not
really willing, in short: being weak. Fifty days without clear decision, it is
We are told on the other hand that we have three good reasons
explaining that we acted by cleverness, and why after all, we should avoid
feeling bitter or that we missed the occasion.
1 First you cannot destroy Hamas, it is a political national will
that you can’t erase. Religious ideology so deep-rooted in the deepest part of
the soul of the populations, enlightened only by the hate against the Jews, the
Infidels, the miscreants (don’t be afraid, you are a part of it).
2 Also, the cost in soldiers lives would have been high too much,
hundreds of soldiers, in order to take control of the Gaza strip; this without
speaking of stating new era the day after. Could take years maybe to run the
place, sucking down; costly too much at short and mid-term.
3 At last, despite the bitter taste of our civilian and military
victims, Hamas received a hammer hit, the civilian population still supporting
them was not able to suffer anymore and cried them to stop the fighting. The
arm of the tunnels cut, the arm of the missiles and rockets strongly diminished
[thank you European citizens for your participation by paying taxes]; needed
reconstruction, electricity working about 3 hours a day like in Syria, the
eternal parasitic need of a population used to this permanent beggary culture
[Palestinians are World champions] – so it had to stop. Our victory, although
it does not seem so clear, is tangible enough to prevent Hamas to try once more
before some years of tranquility. Like the Hezbollah example being quiet for
the last 8 years, Hamas is strongly weakened and Gaza’s recover will absorb
them some years. They managed to bring Gaza twenty years back.
All these reasons do not hold the road well:
1 To make an ideology able to act, you need soldiers, a structure,
even if nano-formatted, leaders and soldiers, a capacity of shock, a will to
action by the ratio cost/gain. And by the nerve of war: money. This expression
is not innocent: Hamas eating billions of dollars bet his whole basket in
weapons and not in taking care of improving Gaza population’s situation. They
wanted last war because without money they were close to bankrupt like a rotten
fruit. How much time could they survive: 1, 2, 3 months – without paying the
salaries of their “employees”? Why should we, like with Arafat’s Fatah in 1992,
grant a re-birth of the cadavers of our enemies? What dementia attack does
enter us?
Without any material possibility to act, understanding that the
more you fight the more you lose, being under precise threat, you have
something else to do than making war. Will and material capacity are the two
factors which justify the attack – or not. Yes, religious hate remains, but it
cannot be implemented.
2 The cost to pay, especially in a war of defense, cannot be, must
not be, an argument. A nation not ready to use its soldiers and afraid of the
loss is a nation without future. To search to have the less, yes, to hesitate
facing the need, no!
I will add that you have numerous stations before complete
invasion of Gaza. War is a dynamics, which is not only a simple updated amount
every day. Defeat is before all a feeling. Because chirurgical attempts to kill
Hamas leaders were the factor which speeded up the cease-fire process, we
needed them more and sooner. After all, we speak about a limited territory, not
immense Iraq.
3 Behind the momentary silence of arms continues the permanent
re-arming, the perpetual war declaration, the perpetual tentative to hit. They
will re-try with tunnels, they will use chemical weapons… Hezbollah is
preparing this stuff in Lebanon. Be on the alert from silent waters.
We should let them enter once more concrete and iron to receive
consequently tunnels and missiles? Are we idiots to this so high level?
Strategically we are all wrong. We were much closer to the
legitimate goal than we believed: the de facto end of Hamas. Once more our
great imbeciles missed the train. Our leaders are like the European leaders:
impotent. So they make the game of the extremes, left or right and jihadists.
Once more we are, this time wrongly, presented a conflict to
manage instead of a war to win.
At Finance ministry I accept a C.P.A.; in strategy I need a
statesman and a general. Where are they?
Editorial - [written] Saturday July 19th 2014, Published July 20th. Tsuk Eytan day 12.
I remind that I live in Israel central area and runs to the shelter when there is one close at every relevant alert. Truth must be told, politically correct off. Our people from the South: Sderot and around, Ashkelon, even Ashdod live much worse. Where are we? First, "pure souls" accuse us:
Who is responsible if tens of millions of dollars are invested in building tunnels in Gaza to penetrate into Israel in order to commit attempts against civilians? If all the concrete and iron entered via Israel do not go to construction of houses for Gaza civilians but to build tunnels 25 meters depth under the ground? If money lacks for education, health, and the development of Gaza strip? If the main investment is construction of rockets and missiles aimed to be launched on our civilian populations?
We left Gaza in year 2005, 9 years already.
Yes there is a responsible, for 7 years, the fundamentalist Muslim dictatorship, the Palestinian Muslim Brothers branch, making a martyr of women and infidels, closing Christian schools. They took the power by force against their Fatah "brothers" and tortured massacred humiliated them 7 years ago. If we want to accuse someone so we must name the right address. On the other side [mine] a government I don't like but still democratic, who invested colossal amounts to prepare civilian defense, and to create this wonderful thing no one believed in then: Iron Dome. In addition, a civilian defense active and organized and a discipline the Israelis by their nature are not used to obey to.
Yes, without iron dome, our "nice souls" would have material to find the balance, Jewish blood would flow strongly, they would be glad, it would be "balanced". But no, we don't want that, we promote life the same way they are fond of death, and we don't present the second cheek. We are like these elephants in Ramat-Gan safari who gather around their kids when hearing the alert [see on Youtube this lesson of "humanity"]. So, we are this afternoon [yesterday Saturday 19] with 5 dead plus some wounded in all conditions, including women and babies. Dear "pure souls", don't despair, you'll receive your ration of Jewish blood. [Bloody Sunday]
I remind you that our struggle is the same as France leads against groups in Mali or Centrafrique where Christian/Muslims conflicts star, like in Iraq, Lebanon, Algiers and elsewhere. In France [and USA...] we speak about "our children, our boys" when soldiers fall, we say here the same thing. For me they are the same. But the Arabs of "Francistan" will try to attack synagogues and the Jews inside, identifying French Jews in the metropolis with Israelis.
Does someone consider attacking mosques in Paris because of all the attacks on Christians / Copts / Muslims assassinated by jihadists worldwide? Where would we go?
Bibi [Benjamin Netanyau] accepted twice the cease fire proposals, against his own Likud party, twice Hamas said "no".
They want Jewish / infidel blood, it will be their glory, their victory picture which will allow them to stop firing.
In this aim they tried everything: rockets and missiles in grapes, tunnels, drones, sea infiltrations... and so far nothing doing, NOTHING!
And Hezbollah, itself deeply inside in Syria, supporting the new elected president Butcher Assad is seeing all. By the way, how many dead in Syria these very days? [4 times the Palestinian casualties] Did they protest against the true massacres?
Do the great apostles of peace tell us about the forced human shields of populations, Hamas promising them to "clear their account" in case they don't go up to the roofs when Israel is bombing missiles close to houses? Even UNWRA, anti-Israel rooted organization recognized their discovering 23 rockets under their school classrooms. This is what they do with UN and its support (since 1948, with your taxes as you support them via all sorts of NGOs).
So what do we see? The United States, these idiots, Obama and Kerry, run towards Turkey and Qatar to find a solution. Turkey, lead by Erdogan, the new crazy Islamist sultan, spitting his anti-Semitism towards every microphone. Qatar who, apart of endlessly purchasing France [its luxury part], does finance some of the international fundamentalist movements, who financed Hamas allowing them to gather their arsenal, to steal Gaza population (Islamist corruption looks like any other, packs of money fulfilled the pockets of the leaders, certainly sacred money!) and to permit the tunnels construction.
The USA were sulky with Egypt of Al-Sisi who gives today the money back, they first tried to take no notice of Egyptian conciliation preferring Qatar and Turkey. They then sucked the ass of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers instead of supporting their natural allies and continue to do so with the Iranian and Turkish asses. A Great Nation lead by sheep with "broken hearts". Are we dreaming?
It is not the first time, Bill Clinton already 20 years ago let North Korea reaching atomic bomb; Obama will do the same with Iran in the name of mental defective strategic interests. The Americans, New York Times and fake counsellors included, did not understand anything. Not a surprise if the czar Putin, the sultan Erdogan and the ayatollah Khamenei spittle to the face of the Americans. Obama and Kerry say that it's raining. [This Sunday July 20 a sort of limited change: turn to Egypt].
Europe, who sees Islamism at its gate, suddenly, seems to awake a little, by the voice of Angela Merkel - not the voices of the European gold-beater's skin parliament or the professional politicians who still dream to receive the Arab votes, citizens and strangers, at next elections. The Arab states too, see with satisfaction the fundamentalists receive their trashing and endangering their proper regime. One less rogue state, always good to take.
Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, in this volcanic always eruptive Middle-East, where is the only one stable and democratic state? Let you guess!
In the meantime, Hamas lacking of money and unable to finance his troops, emptying its reserves of rockets, starting to see its tunnels destroyed, feeling its control surface reduced by our entering; and whose leaders start to divide themselves and realize that nothing works. Hamas is maybe towards implosion and lose of control of the situation. It can take weeks, but it is inside the field of the possible. We need for this to deeply breathe and to take patience. This is strategy. Time is not a principal data or factor, the objective is yes indeed.
My dream is to find in Gaza people courageous like the heroes we saw in Tunisia Egypt and of course Syria, who against all odds and logic, often without any support, managed to shatter the dictatorial concrete and tried to build a better world, pacific and fairer, to live a normal life anyone should have the right to. The falling of Hamas will be able only with people from inside, with populations who have nothing more to lose. We will be there then I hope, to help them building Gaza otherwise. They will have also to avoid other jihadists to fulfill the vacuum.
We are far from the end!
SATURDAY JUNE 7 2014 Israel Presidency - editorial
Dan Shechtman: the most wanted. Will politicians vote for someone above them and matching?
Judge Dorner: missing a little presence, although a judge today is needed above Bibi's and friends’ rotten managing.
Ruby Rivlin, the only one political good enough, despite old links with thieves.
Meir Shitrit, Dalia Itzik: under the average, rotten, empty, political garbage, shame on us with this pitiful level. Mediocrity sold to tycoons - Forbidden.
Editorial Saturday 16 November 2013
The 2013 elections in Israel 5 – the possible surprise parties
Some parties have little chance to enter the Knesset, at the edge of minimal support for. Very few votes separate them from the goal, at least it seems. They can become, if entering, hinges creating or not a stable majority, they can bring new winds in the too much politically correct.
Kadima on which I already wrote seems to be in position to enter, at least the two-three first. Would be a pity if more.
Very few chances:
-Arab parties lead by young people trying to break down the blockade of the old political elements, mainly "Daam" and "Tikva leshinouy". No one seems in capacity to create the surprise. This is a great pity. But the sector is unknown and we don't know what happens from the inside.
-Same for the green ecological [and for free cannabis], for the retired persons, for the "rabbi" Amnon Itzhaq, illuminated crank, sowing hate. Even a small part of the orthodox which it seems gives up. Nothing important
More chances:
-At the right wing the "Am Shalem" [entire nation] of the orthodox rabbi Amsallem. To go with Netanyahu but ex-Shas, denouncing their monkey business and their corruption; he also wants Haredim [orthodox] people to go to work and to support themselves, no more parasitism. He says things clear and re-gives the religious current a light and their natural joy for life that the Sephardim lost when trying to imitate the Ashkenazim orthodox.
-The "Ha-Israelim" [the Israelis] party gathering part of the ex-USSR immigrants disappointed [deceived] by Liberman, boosted maybe by organizations or lobbies aiming to weaken Netanyahu. They too nibble votes that can be lost. Fair, easy for them to list up all the promises that were made for years.
-And at the end, [at the extreme left?], "Eretz chadasha" [new land] of the advocate Eldad Yaniv. He pretends that 180.000 voters promised him already that they will vote for him via social net (Facebook, the site etc...). For some years he had been one of the manipulators working for Ehud Barak and Bibi, thinking, doing and witness of the dirty job. He denounces today the intense collusion between wealth and government. On every political leader he has a word that he spreads in mini-series on his site. Even if only the half, the fourth part of it were true, it is awful. The "one for all, all rotten" from Coluche (the past French full of genius humorist) is shown under the light and you get cold of what you hear. I really hope they will enter the Knesset to present in broad daylight the rotting devastating the country. If they hold their promises
But all these parties and lists hide a huge vacuum: a real leader, a real national figure who would really govern and re-establish the State in its duties and action. Since 2005 when Sharon fell asleep, remain only peanut politics politicians. Lists of candidates you have, leader is missing.
Editorial Saturday 9 August 2014 – Tsuk Eytan –
First strategic considerations
This editorial was published last week in French but things did
not really move since then, despite the news, and this article is the first
part of what I have to say, it will be continued. That’s why I publish it
almost as is.
The innocence expressed by western media and specially French
concerning what happens in Gaza lets me feel amazed. Logical with the material
I present in my strategic memento, I must now remind some essential points of
strategy. We all want to know what will happen tomorrow.
Demilitarization of Gaza, written in Oslo agreements, is
40% of Hamas budget these last years was invested to the only
construction of tunnels directed to Israel, with the only objective to enable a
large leveled operation against civilians, an operation dismantled half by
chance thanks to Tsuk Eytan, operation financed by European taxes and the good
fellow Qatar. Tunnels, missiles, are the two hands we take care now; there will
be new weapons in the future like flying apparels or via sea operations.
Blood brothers of Dash [EIIL], of the Taliban, Al-Qaida,
Boko-Haram, of the North-Africa jihadists; young brother of the Egyptian Muslim
Brothers; Hamas is before all a fundamentalist Muslim group with wide open view
fighting for the death of the infidels, Jews, Christians… and their struggle
starts locally in Palestine, until they can move elsewhere. When they had to
get rid of Fatah to take the power, they did not hesitate.
I remind by the way that before he went to assassinate the Jewish
Toulouse children and to ensure they were really dead, Mohamed Merah “the
Saint, the Shahid” assassinated two Muslims traitors to his faith because they
were soldiers in the army of the infidels, French army [in which I had the
honour to serve].
Hamas was supported and is still supported by a great part of Gaza
population honoring it because it fights against Israel. The same mothers who
cry now, promised previously that they would bring thousands of children to
life and when becoming adults these babies would die as shahids, and they were
proud in advance to know that their future children would kill Jews. You should
know what you want!
The infuse, mental deficient, proclaimed for years, unique thinking
claiming that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the pivot threatening world
peace has been made ridicule long time ago. The to-be centrality of the
conflict justifying the anger of certain Islamist does not hold any logic. On
the other side, with the return of thousands of jihadists from the Middle-East
inside the occidental countries and the preaches of imams every Friday [thanks
to Iran, thanks to Qatar], the western countries start to awaken with hangover:
their diplomatic prostitution did not help, anti-occidental hate is prospering
even inside national territories. (What will happen with now English and French
military participation in Iraq?)
You cannot simply think like occidental to understand Hamas and
its objectives. Diminished to very little one month ago, almost in bankruptcy
and isolated, war seemed for Hamas the only way to find back a force: I kill so
I am, you must consider me. They almost succeeded as Qatar paid salaries and
should be supporting the re-building of Gaza strip. We must oppose easy coming
money to Gaza.
First: initiative. All time
long we play reacting to Hamas actions. We must decide, we must manage, we must
fix the agenda. For instance this possible exit from Gaza without negotiations:
it will let Hamas without any tangible result to show to its population to
justify its policy. In this meaning the terrorist theory is simple: you use
your civilian population to avoid reprisal to your actions, ready to kill
civilians that want to escape, so you paralyze any hope for the other side to
respond, here Israel, as – whatever - anyway – automatically every riposte will
be no proportional and will worsen the situation.
The way you use your population as a human shield is legitimate
for terrorists; to answer by precise targets, with minimal collateral
casualties is now more possible even if harming military actions. 1500 victims
including maybe 500 Hamas terrorists in a month [statistics are under
propaganda] in front of 1700 victims in a week only in Syria, it shows who makes
And, there is this Arab silence, this loneliness Hamas did not
forecast. Its allies, Hezbollah and others speak but do nothing. Arab masses
don’t move. Too many Arab countries are happy to see a fundamentalist cruel
against all [women, homosexuals, religious minorities, atheist, liberal...]
hit. Even the Arabs today understand that to glorify someone only because he
fights against Israel is not relevant. On this matter Arabs become adults and
the Islamists are late: to shoot over Israel is no more the road to fame. It is
a great step towards good direction.
Hamas wanted an image, a symbol, to show its value and proof of
victory against Israel. Hamas used mainly two strategic arms: First they used
missiles. Our defense iron dome quasi neutralized this first threat. Then they
fast tried with sea attack and a so called drone, two ridiculous means fast
forgotten. At last, by intelligence, but also with a huge part of luck, and
with high price of killed soldiers, you have the tunnels. Quantity, length,
heavy infrastructure are clear: it was a strategic weapon aimed to massacre and
to kidnap hundreds of civilians and soldiers - the forecast “Big Evening”. We are under shock
about the quantity of tunnels; they will be our next inquiry commission. Once
more they did not succeed.
Was remaining their last chance: to kidnap civilians or soldiers.
It worked last week ago, on Friday morning when for sixth time Hamas broke the
“humanitarian” cease-fire> But following the circumstances of this attempt
there was no strategic impact on decisions. After more than 60 killed soldiers
and dangerous special efforts made under the earth, it was sure that our
officer did not survive. So decisions could continue to be taken without
external pressure. This is good.
Important to underline: all shows that this previous Friday try to
catch a soldier, dead or alive, was not improvisation. It was planned long in
advance and used during the humanitarian pause with premeditation. Hamas has a
strategy, no matter dead Palestinians, on the contrary, and houses are only
walls. Important is to kill Jews, the local infidels, to fear him, to
destabilize him [and the few late remaining Christians in Gaza].
But if our defense was good, our attack is far from satisfying and
initiative too. Exactly, we are the ones who have to destabilize Hamas, to get
them lose their temper. Not the population they don’t care of, not the
periphery but their vertebral column. Now that we ended with the tunnels
[maybe], we must go forward. Iron dome is here exactly for this, to allow us to
attack without fear concerning our civilians. But despite images of
destruction, against 20,000 Hamas soldiers [EIIL are between 10 and 15,000], we
only eliminated about 500, and all neuralgic centers still function. We did not
touch yet the real gravity centers.
But it is not a question of occupying Gaza, this place is a
malediction and everybody knows.
We have to hit inside the essential of Hamas system. To fear them,
the leaders must feel we go after them, our hand is closer, our threat is real.
Two imbecile myths we have to erase in this aim:
First one in the dominant conception at the government that better
to preserve a weakened Hamas because we don’t know what will come after and we
must avoid “lebanization, somalization” of Gaza. This monumental idiocy proves
the criminal ignorance of strategic history from the start of times. An enemy
must be destroyed the soonest, smaller he is, the best. We pay high enough our
too many years laissez-faire.
The second, consequently, is to think that anyway, Hamas, as a
terrorist organization, has nothing to lose. It is wrong. By force Hamas and
its ally Islamic Jihad created a terrorist state, a physical quasi-state
platform, a real regime like of the EIIL dreams. Yes they can lose everything,
and IT IS TIME to make them feel, it is the right moment maybe to reach this
goal. A unilateral retreat will not help, it is only “partie remise”, i.e. game
only postponed, will be a next time.
One little more thing: at the end of the cycle, just before
cease-fire starts or even little after the start, Hamas or other factions
launch few rockets to say” we have the last word”. We must break this attitude.
[In fact 2 minutes before the last 72 hours cease-fire, Hamas sent rockets to
few areas in Israel including Tel Aviv. We must break their feeling here too].
Summary few short messages
August 2, 4 2014
Jon Voight is not only a
fantastic actor, he is a real man, a real "mensh".
I read what Obama [who is to be the President of the USA] said to Bibi; I hear John Kerry, who sure is a good guy and a friend [I am not ironical], and is also to be the Secretary of State; I hear today Hillary Clinton's idiocies, who wants to be the next President and I think: Gewalt! Clever? Know something? US interest? Policy, strategy, something that a leader must be made of? What a shit what a shit what a shit. We have Bibi, this time not so bad even if sometimes by chance; do the USA need too this so low a leadership level? Woaw! Easy to understand the Western decadence.
I read what Obama [who is to be the President of the USA] said to Bibi; I hear John Kerry, who sure is a good guy and a friend [I am not ironical], and is also to be the Secretary of State; I hear today Hillary Clinton's idiocies, who wants to be the next President and I think: Gewalt! Clever? Know something? US interest? Policy, strategy, something that a leader must be made of? What a shit what a shit what a shit. We have Bibi, this time not so bad even if sometimes by chance; do the USA need too this so low a leadership level? Woaw! Easy to understand the Western decadence.
Editorial - [written] Saturday July 19th 2014, Published July 20th. Tsuk Eytan day 12.
I remind that I live in Israel central area and runs to the shelter when there is one close at every relevant alert. Truth must be told, politically correct off. Our people from the South: Sderot and around, Ashkelon, even Ashdod live much worse. Where are we? First, "pure souls" accuse us:
Who is responsible if tens of millions of dollars are invested in building tunnels in Gaza to penetrate into Israel in order to commit attempts against civilians? If all the concrete and iron entered via Israel do not go to construction of houses for Gaza civilians but to build tunnels 25 meters depth under the ground? If money lacks for education, health, and the development of Gaza strip? If the main investment is construction of rockets and missiles aimed to be launched on our civilian populations?
We left Gaza in year 2005, 9 years already.
Yes there is a responsible, for 7 years, the fundamentalist Muslim dictatorship, the Palestinian Muslim Brothers branch, making a martyr of women and infidels, closing Christian schools. They took the power by force against their Fatah "brothers" and tortured massacred humiliated them 7 years ago. If we want to accuse someone so we must name the right address. On the other side [mine] a government I don't like but still democratic, who invested colossal amounts to prepare civilian defense, and to create this wonderful thing no one believed in then: Iron Dome. In addition, a civilian defense active and organized and a discipline the Israelis by their nature are not used to obey to.
Yes, without iron dome, our "nice souls" would have material to find the balance, Jewish blood would flow strongly, they would be glad, it would be "balanced". But no, we don't want that, we promote life the same way they are fond of death, and we don't present the second cheek. We are like these elephants in Ramat-Gan safari who gather around their kids when hearing the alert [see on Youtube this lesson of "humanity"]. So, we are this afternoon [yesterday Saturday 19] with 5 dead plus some wounded in all conditions, including women and babies. Dear "pure souls", don't despair, you'll receive your ration of Jewish blood. [Bloody Sunday]
I remind you that our struggle is the same as France leads against groups in Mali or Centrafrique where Christian/Muslims conflicts star, like in Iraq, Lebanon, Algiers and elsewhere. In France [and USA...] we speak about "our children, our boys" when soldiers fall, we say here the same thing. For me they are the same. But the Arabs of "Francistan" will try to attack synagogues and the Jews inside, identifying French Jews in the metropolis with Israelis.
Does someone consider attacking mosques in Paris because of all the attacks on Christians / Copts / Muslims assassinated by jihadists worldwide? Where would we go?
Bibi [Benjamin Netanyau] accepted twice the cease fire proposals, against his own Likud party, twice Hamas said "no".
They want Jewish / infidel blood, it will be their glory, their victory picture which will allow them to stop firing.
In this aim they tried everything: rockets and missiles in grapes, tunnels, drones, sea infiltrations... and so far nothing doing, NOTHING!
And Hezbollah, itself deeply inside in Syria, supporting the new elected president Butcher Assad is seeing all. By the way, how many dead in Syria these very days? [4 times the Palestinian casualties] Did they protest against the true massacres?
Do the great apostles of peace tell us about the forced human shields of populations, Hamas promising them to "clear their account" in case they don't go up to the roofs when Israel is bombing missiles close to houses? Even UNWRA, anti-Israel rooted organization recognized their discovering 23 rockets under their school classrooms. This is what they do with UN and its support (since 1948, with your taxes as you support them via all sorts of NGOs).
So what do we see? The United States, these idiots, Obama and Kerry, run towards Turkey and Qatar to find a solution. Turkey, lead by Erdogan, the new crazy Islamist sultan, spitting his anti-Semitism towards every microphone. Qatar who, apart of endlessly purchasing France [its luxury part], does finance some of the international fundamentalist movements, who financed Hamas allowing them to gather their arsenal, to steal Gaza population (Islamist corruption looks like any other, packs of money fulfilled the pockets of the leaders, certainly sacred money!) and to permit the tunnels construction.
The USA were sulky with Egypt of Al-Sisi who gives today the money back, they first tried to take no notice of Egyptian conciliation preferring Qatar and Turkey. They then sucked the ass of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers instead of supporting their natural allies and continue to do so with the Iranian and Turkish asses. A Great Nation lead by sheep with "broken hearts". Are we dreaming?
It is not the first time, Bill Clinton already 20 years ago let North Korea reaching atomic bomb; Obama will do the same with Iran in the name of mental defective strategic interests. The Americans, New York Times and fake counsellors included, did not understand anything. Not a surprise if the czar Putin, the sultan Erdogan and the ayatollah Khamenei spittle to the face of the Americans. Obama and Kerry say that it's raining. [This Sunday July 20 a sort of limited change: turn to Egypt].
Europe, who sees Islamism at its gate, suddenly, seems to awake a little, by the voice of Angela Merkel - not the voices of the European gold-beater's skin parliament or the professional politicians who still dream to receive the Arab votes, citizens and strangers, at next elections. The Arab states too, see with satisfaction the fundamentalists receive their trashing and endangering their proper regime. One less rogue state, always good to take.
Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, in this volcanic always eruptive Middle-East, where is the only one stable and democratic state? Let you guess!
In the meantime, Hamas lacking of money and unable to finance his troops, emptying its reserves of rockets, starting to see its tunnels destroyed, feeling its control surface reduced by our entering; and whose leaders start to divide themselves and realize that nothing works. Hamas is maybe towards implosion and lose of control of the situation. It can take weeks, but it is inside the field of the possible. We need for this to deeply breathe and to take patience. This is strategy. Time is not a principal data or factor, the objective is yes indeed.
My dream is to find in Gaza people courageous like the heroes we saw in Tunisia Egypt and of course Syria, who against all odds and logic, often without any support, managed to shatter the dictatorial concrete and tried to build a better world, pacific and fairer, to live a normal life anyone should have the right to. The falling of Hamas will be able only with people from inside, with populations who have nothing more to lose. We will be there then I hope, to help them building Gaza otherwise. They will have also to avoid other jihadists to fulfill the vacuum.
We are far from the end!
SATURDAY JUNE 7 2014 Israel Presidency - editorial
Dan Shechtman: the most wanted. Will politicians vote for someone above them and matching?
Judge Dorner: missing a little presence, although a judge today is needed above Bibi's and friends’ rotten managing.
Ruby Rivlin, the only one political good enough, despite old links with thieves.
Meir Shitrit, Dalia Itzik: under the average, rotten, empty, political garbage, shame on us with this pitiful level. Mediocrity sold to tycoons - Forbidden.
Editorial Saturday 16 November 2013
United States Iran and rest of the world – jeered strategy
What is the final goal of strategy? To knock down the enemy.
Who is the enemy? The Iranian regime.
To not understand this is to make the gravest mistake.
Bloody dictatorship today even, where the so called moderate
president is the most “liberal” of the candidates chosen by the imam, who holds
the real power. Well, the sanctions created a de facto situation which forced
the regime to negotiate. It is real proof that it works.
The diplomatic situation with this State is exactly parallel with
Germany of the Thirties.
What do we see then? Barack Obama, who should be the leader of the
free world, ready to lie down in front of the Iranians who do not renounce to
anything, being ready to crumble the wall of sanctions, daring to say that it
will always be possible to go back if needed. Who are they joking on?
We should however remember, 20 years before, Bill Clinton making
the same bad work with North Korea. The same idiocy New York Times included.
So it is after the dropping of Egypt, betrayals on the core issue
of Saudia, the Emirates, Jordan and Israel, after the face-about Syria, the
acceptation of Erdogan’s caliphate. America by its own defective and criminal
strategy accelerates its worldwide decline and endangers the free world.
On the other side the dictator Poutine gets back in his hands the
ex-soviet empire and goes till the end when supporting his allies, who knew
indeed, to stake on the right partner.
We get surprised after this, among some, by the Palestinian
intentions who feel mistaken because they chose the wrong horse.
Between Munchen and Geneva, 462 kilometers and 75 years.
The 2013 elections in Israel 5 – the possible surprise parties
Some parties have little chance to enter the Knesset, at the edge of minimal support for. Very few votes separate them from the goal, at least it seems. They can become, if entering, hinges creating or not a stable majority, they can bring new winds in the too much politically correct.
Kadima on which I already wrote seems to be in position to enter, at least the two-three first. Would be a pity if more.
Very few chances:
-Arab parties lead by young people trying to break down the blockade of the old political elements, mainly "Daam" and "Tikva leshinouy". No one seems in capacity to create the surprise. This is a great pity. But the sector is unknown and we don't know what happens from the inside.
-Same for the green ecological [and for free cannabis], for the retired persons, for the "rabbi" Amnon Itzhaq, illuminated crank, sowing hate. Even a small part of the orthodox which it seems gives up. Nothing important
More chances:
-At the right wing the "Am Shalem" [entire nation] of the orthodox rabbi Amsallem. To go with Netanyahu but ex-Shas, denouncing their monkey business and their corruption; he also wants Haredim [orthodox] people to go to work and to support themselves, no more parasitism. He says things clear and re-gives the religious current a light and their natural joy for life that the Sephardim lost when trying to imitate the Ashkenazim orthodox.
-The "Ha-Israelim" [the Israelis] party gathering part of the ex-USSR immigrants disappointed [deceived] by Liberman, boosted maybe by organizations or lobbies aiming to weaken Netanyahu. They too nibble votes that can be lost. Fair, easy for them to list up all the promises that were made for years.
-And at the end, [at the extreme left?], "Eretz chadasha" [new land] of the advocate Eldad Yaniv. He pretends that 180.000 voters promised him already that they will vote for him via social net (Facebook, the site etc...). For some years he had been one of the manipulators working for Ehud Barak and Bibi, thinking, doing and witness of the dirty job. He denounces today the intense collusion between wealth and government. On every political leader he has a word that he spreads in mini-series on his site. Even if only the half, the fourth part of it were true, it is awful. The "one for all, all rotten" from Coluche (the past French full of genius humorist) is shown under the light and you get cold of what you hear. I really hope they will enter the Knesset to present in broad daylight the rotting devastating the country. If they hold their promises
But all these parties and lists hide a huge vacuum: a real leader, a real national figure who would really govern and re-establish the State in its duties and action. Since 2005 when Sharon fell asleep, remain only peanut politics politicians. Lists of candidates you have, leader is missing.
We will deal now with the governmental pivot of Bibi Netanyahu, his party the Likud.
First of all the party alone would be close to 20-25 seats and no more to support the Prime Minister and to build a coalition of 61 seats minimum. This is why he mixed his list with Israel Beyteinou [Israel our home] of Avigdor Liberman. They leave the Knesset with 27+15 seats, 42, and polls give them now about 35. It is a big decrease.
What they earn from the deal:
Bibi, head of the biggest list, will be called to build the coalition by the president. It was not so sure at the start of the campaign, and things went wrong all along this time. Even old recipes do not work so well.
Liberman put himself very high to inherit the head of the Likud and PM position in the future. It is a coming back as he was general manager of the party when Bibi was PM first time in 1996. Then he founded the Israel Beyteinou as the mother house for the ex-USSR new immigrants. He promised them lot of things he never gave but who cared, he was their voice and he knew how to please them.
Now things went wrong:
-The Likud internal collapse.
The Likud party was invaded by new bases of Judea-Samaria members who built with years a strong intern lobby and put some of the historical figures out of the list. They influence the party although most of them will go to the Beyt Hayehudi party or further right. The party put off the traditional liberal wing with strong supporters of the law, put off the social lobby in a time of crisis, only to become a right too much smaller spectrum of ideas. After more than 10 years, Bibi succeeded to transform the right-centre oriented governmental supermarket [of the right side] into an extremist and anti-social faction.
Deeper, in addition to the rotten roots of the Likud when speaking of votes and clean functioning, it became another IB [Israel Beyteinou] populist faction.
Rotten and corrupted character is embodied, for instance, by Tsakhi Hanegbi, back at the top of the list after years at Kadima.
Low populism is embodied by Miri Regev, politics as a circus and like Liberman turning to the worst part of the human being.
What is the difference between Miri Regev and Marine le Pen? Marine le Pen is clever.
-Israel Beyteinou has lost its strong Russian side to become a right Israeli regular party, close [my opinion] to the National Front of Le Pen in France. They shoot very low and turn to the worst side of the people to receive votes. They were too downwards.
But 2 other things concerning the parties happened:
-the Likud and IB voters do not like one the other very much and lots of both looked for another party to vote for.
-IB is losing the monopoly on Russian voice, lots of ex-USSR who are very disappointed by some much sectoral promises that were not implemented. "A word is a word" from Liberman became "another promise". A new party (ref next article) may nibble at IB.
When you have about 35 seats as a base to build a coalition of 61 minimum, you got heavy issues to make governing efficient.
When I see poor people, and they are masses, going to vote for Likud-IB, I see crocodiles entering shops of fancy-leather bags and accessories.
ELECTIONS IN ISRAEL 3 - January 2013
Let's speak about left and centre.
The Labour Party which founded the State is now lead by ex-journalist Sheli Yachimowicz. Her campaign for some reasons is focusing on the huge social-economical issues the society has been facing for the last ten years, since Bibi (Netanyahu) sold the national resources to few oligarchs who played with the money of the savers, with the complicity of the banks managers and the Ministry of Economy, as their senior employees go working - after their left public office - to private "golden parachutes" jobs belonging to the same they previously offered their services.
The "piggy" capitalism social crisis and the strong hit against middle classes, the 2011 summer protests, all this was a renewing supporting trend for a party clinically dead.
Moreover, the "diet left" positioning she chose tries to break down the logic of the two blocks and to re-centre the party when too many leaders seem too much left oriented. Sheli managed to rebuild the party around 19-20 seats, natural as a minimum, but the mechanic does not permit to pass over this level.
In reality the Yachimowicz strategy is built on two elections steps. In 2013 she is to re-become the second party in the Knesset, and so re-become an alternative. She will strengthen her leadership on the party and become a credible candidate to Prime Ministry, receiving – maybe - even a minister experience under PM Bibi (despite declarations).
Following her is Itzhaq Herzog, intelligent and still nice looking but a lot of noise for not a lot, as we saw we he was Minister of social affairs.
Then Eitan Cabel, a real social and right man, speaking clearly.
I specially notice two great joys for the Israeli democracy:
Number 12 Miki Rosenthal, free journalist who fought with immense courage and under big risks the strongest money powers of the country – and number 15, the ex-great policeman Moshe Mizrahi. He managed the inquiries against public figures like Avigdor Liberman for instance, until that he was "miraculously" put off from the job.
I am really happy to see both of them in the Knesset. The country needs them.
I am glad to conserve also Nachman Shay. The Knesset needs well-balanced, intelligent and civilized people.
Two new parties embody the centre, as new I should enter them into the future article I will write about possible surprises, but they are no more surprises.
Yair Lapid leads "Yesh atid" [there is a future]. Against corruption of the system, wasted money where it should not go, to defend the middle class and to focus on education. A vast program but also many question marks; specially with a very bourgeois point of view concerning social questions. The risk is to copy what happened with the Shinouy party of his father: to betray his electors.
Severe double judgment mistake: he put far at place 11 Miki Levy, an ex-high ranked police officer very appreciated, right and human. There's a risk he will not enter the Knesset, what a pity.
On the other hand to defend social justice with a pimp like Yaakov Peri as number 5 is to screw it up, to spit on us. Only for this, the idea to vote for Lapid is repellent.
Remains Tsipi Livni. She is clever, sympathetic and modern but the last 4 years she missed all. She made nothing of the 28 mandates she got, flabby opposition which caused her losing the leadership of the party. She did not remain at Kadima but comes back in sort of bazaar party. She speaks about the middle class and social justice but I surely think that she does not give a damn of it. Worse than Bibi into the head she cannot be, able to be a leader, not sure. And this inflated ago, even if really, she is not the only one.
Beside her Amram Mitsna, a very good man and able to be a great minister but holding the same political delirium tremens like you find in Merets. And Amir Perets who holds some qualities but is used to build up the mess wherever he comes . And Eliezer Stern that I will be happy to find in the Knesset. Maybe other good surprises but so many average or below rotten politicians in the list, let's remain polite!
And, finally, there is also Kadima, with Shaoul Mofaz, who deserves better than pure eviction of his party. But this good military is a very poor politician. Pity for him, for Israel Hasson, for Yochanan Plesner. Concerning the number 4 of the list, Ronit Tirosh, it is like for Yaakov Peri (see above) or Limor Livnat in the Likoud; it is a very good reason to not vote for Kadima. To the dustbin this sort of rotten garbage! The three first, it is a pity. All the rest, rubbish.
We will deal now with the governmental pivot of Bibi Netanyahu, his party the Likud.
First of all the party alone would be close to 20-25 seats and no more to support the Prime Minister and to build a coalition of 61 seats minimum. This is why he mixed his list with Israel Beyteinou [Israel our home] of Avigdor Liberman. They leave the Knesset with 27+15 seats, 42, and polls give them now about 35. It is a big decrease.
What they earn from the deal:
Bibi, head of the biggest list, will be called to build the coalition by the president. It was not so sure at the start of the campaign, and things went wrong all along this time. Even old recipes do not work so well.
Liberman put himself very high to inherit the head of the Likud and PM position in the future. It is a coming back as he was general manager of the party when Bibi was PM first time in 1996. Then he founded the Israel Beyteinou as the mother house for the ex-USSR new immigrants. He promised them lot of things he never gave but who cared, he was their voice and he knew how to please them.
Now things went wrong:
-The Likud internal collapse.
The Likud party was invaded by new bases of Judea-Samaria members who built with years a strong intern lobby and put some of the historical figures out of the list. They influence the party although most of them will go to the Beyt Hayehudi party or further right. The party put off the traditional liberal wing with strong supporters of the law, put off the social lobby in a time of crisis, only to become a right too much smaller spectrum of ideas. After more than 10 years, Bibi succeeded to transform the right-centre oriented governmental supermarket [of the right side] into an extremist and anti-social faction.
Deeper, in addition to the rotten roots of the Likud when speaking of votes and clean functioning, it became another IB [Israel Beyteinou] populist faction.
Rotten and corrupted character is embodied, for instance, by Tsakhi Hanegbi, back at the top of the list after years at Kadima.
Low populism is embodied by Miri Regev, politics as a circus and like Liberman turning to the worst part of the human being.
What is the difference between Miri Regev and Marine le Pen? Marine le Pen is clever.
-Israel Beyteinou has lost its strong Russian side to become a right Israeli regular party, close [my opinion] to the National Front of Le Pen in France. They shoot very low and turn to the worst side of the people to receive votes. They were too downwards.
But 2 other things concerning the parties happened:
-the Likud and IB voters do not like one the other very much and lots of both looked for another party to vote for.
-IB is losing the monopoly on Russian voice, lots of ex-USSR who are very disappointed by some much sectoral promises that were not implemented. "A word is a word" from Liberman became "another promise". A new party (ref next article) may nibble at IB.
When you have about 35 seats as a base to build a coalition of 61 minimum, you got heavy issues to make governing efficient.
When I see poor people, and they are masses, going to vote for Likud-IB, I see crocodiles entering shops of fancy-leather bags and accessories.
ELECTIONS IN ISRAEL 3 - January 2013
Let's speak about left and centre.
The Labour Party which founded the State is now lead by ex-journalist Sheli Yachimowicz. Her campaign for some reasons is focusing on the huge social-economical issues the society has been facing for the last ten years, since Bibi (Netanyahu) sold the national resources to few oligarchs who played with the money of the savers, with the complicity of the banks managers and the Ministry of Economy, as their senior employees go working - after their left public office - to private "golden parachutes" jobs belonging to the same they previously offered their services.
The "piggy" capitalism social crisis and the strong hit against middle classes, the 2011 summer protests, all this was a renewing supporting trend for a party clinically dead.
Moreover, the "diet left" positioning she chose tries to break down the logic of the two blocks and to re-centre the party when too many leaders seem too much left oriented. Sheli managed to rebuild the party around 19-20 seats, natural as a minimum, but the mechanic does not permit to pass over this level.
In reality the Yachimowicz strategy is built on two elections steps. In 2013 she is to re-become the second party in the Knesset, and so re-become an alternative. She will strengthen her leadership on the party and become a credible candidate to Prime Ministry, receiving – maybe - even a minister experience under PM Bibi (despite declarations).
Following her is Itzhaq Herzog, intelligent and still nice looking but a lot of noise for not a lot, as we saw we he was Minister of social affairs.
Then Eitan Cabel, a real social and right man, speaking clearly.
I specially notice two great joys for the Israeli democracy:
Number 12 Miki Rosenthal, free journalist who fought with immense courage and under big risks the strongest money powers of the country – and number 15, the ex-great policeman Moshe Mizrahi. He managed the inquiries against public figures like Avigdor Liberman for instance, until that he was "miraculously" put off from the job.
I am really happy to see both of them in the Knesset. The country needs them.
I am glad to conserve also Nachman Shay. The Knesset needs well-balanced, intelligent and civilized people.
Two new parties embody the centre, as new I should enter them into the future article I will write about possible surprises, but they are no more surprises.
Yair Lapid leads "Yesh atid" [there is a future]. Against corruption of the system, wasted money where it should not go, to defend the middle class and to focus on education. A vast program but also many question marks; specially with a very bourgeois point of view concerning social questions. The risk is to copy what happened with the Shinouy party of his father: to betray his electors.
Severe double judgment mistake: he put far at place 11 Miki Levy, an ex-high ranked police officer very appreciated, right and human. There's a risk he will not enter the Knesset, what a pity.
On the other hand to defend social justice with a pimp like Yaakov Peri as number 5 is to screw it up, to spit on us. Only for this, the idea to vote for Lapid is repellent.
Remains Tsipi Livni. She is clever, sympathetic and modern but the last 4 years she missed all. She made nothing of the 28 mandates she got, flabby opposition which caused her losing the leadership of the party. She did not remain at Kadima but comes back in sort of bazaar party. She speaks about the middle class and social justice but I surely think that she does not give a damn of it. Worse than Bibi into the head she cannot be, able to be a leader, not sure. And this inflated ago, even if really, she is not the only one.
Beside her Amram Mitsna, a very good man and able to be a great minister but holding the same political delirium tremens like you find in Merets. And Amir Perets who holds some qualities but is used to build up the mess wherever he comes . And Eliezer Stern that I will be happy to find in the Knesset. Maybe other good surprises but so many average or below rotten politicians in the list, let's remain polite!
And, finally, there is also Kadima, with Shaoul Mofaz, who deserves better than pure eviction of his party. But this good military is a very poor politician. Pity for him, for Israel Hasson, for Yochanan Plesner. Concerning the number 4 of the list, Ronit Tirosh, it is like for Yaakov Peri (see above) or Limor Livnat in the Likoud; it is a very good reason to not vote for Kadima. To the dustbin this sort of rotten garbage! The three first, it is a pity. All the rest, rubbish.
The 2013 elections in Israel - 2
Let's touch now the so called Zionist parties usually placed at the extremes of the political arc. It is for a great part because of these parties, but not only, that I wrote the memento and wanted to react against the idiots from right or left.
At the Left extreme the party Merets embodies the organized collective suicide, peace at any price, we have to talk with Hamas, we must give all… This party, when it was important, between 9 and 12 deputies, was lead by strong personalities. It lost long ago its "social" wing by putting at its head Yosi Beilin, symbol of the left bourgeoisie, copy of what we call the "caviar left" in France and since collapsed down to 3 deputies.
Until then it was the party of peace now + socially welfare state, a clear differential positioning ticket. The party lost its identity and numbers follow.
Nitzan Horowitz, the party number 3 is a former journalist, nice fellow with ecologist tendency – but not mental defective as the ecologists of the French party. He deserves to be in the Knesset.
The party leader is Ms. Zehava Gallon, and for years I have been asking myself: "gallons of what?" My only recurrent answer was "of bullshit". She's got easily much more than 3.7 liters. And she is leading the party …
An extreme left wing does exist inside the Labor party too, that Merets with all its zigzags was not able to attract. When you speak about everything, you speak about nothing. It is the ABC of marketing. And their ugly kisses campaign adds only bad taste to the mess.
At the right extreme there is first "Otsma le Israel" (power to Israel), marginal party gathering two sorts of people:
Israel Eldad, extremist but legalist despite his call to disobey to orders. Doctor, known to be serious and his correct behaviour in debates, not religious, unique at the extreme right, he is by far the good side of this political trend. We need his voice inside the Knesset if we want it in its plurality.
But he allied himself for this new party to some of the worst involved in politics. I do not want to give their names. The worst sort of provocative, little snots, bullshit pricks, insult to the Israeli democracy and Jewish culture. Hanged if someone knows what he found in this association with these XXX? The bad news are that they have chances to be elected.
The national-religious party, ex-Mafdal, became the "Bayt Hayehudi" (the Jewish home). Central and centrist until 1977, this party became messianic and from the triangle land-torah-nation put at first place the land. To abandon nothing, not to speak about it even, and to block the Likud in its right .
The party lately elected Naphtali Benet for leader. He is a millionaire from the hi-tech, modern, young, entrepreneur, he speaks "social" in the right political side when the Likud betrays its electors; which means that he can help towards social reconstruction of the country, even with ideological adversaries.
The problem is this mix of intelligence and ideology – religious, messianic – a cocktail from the most dangerous. Dangerous first for the Likud losing mandates every week going to Benet. This is why the recurrent Netanyahu higher bids about construction in Judea-Samaria. Moreover absurd: instead of shutting down but doing, you speak and do nothing.
The only "normal" in the party is a former journalist, Ouri Orbach, who welcomed Benet to lead the party. But he is number 6 on the list.
A right extreme wing exists too inside the Likud, perpetually growing up.
These extremes, despite 60 years of war and tension are not the majority of the country. They need one the other to participate to parodies of debates where their slogans leave the people in distress.
All or nothing at all; Messiah or “peace of the cemetery” .
Elections en Israel 1 - Saturday 15 December
We are after the final presentation of the lists of candidates and
I want little by little to present my opinion on the elections. As a citizen
and a marketing man dealing with strategy, and without any care for politically
I will present my for and against, as it has been many years already that I vote against and not positively for someone.
The first part concerns of course Zionism: no way for me to vote for an anti-Zionist party. Two big blocks make the essential of this heap.
The Arab parties, ethnically based, religious or revolutionary, with sometimes some Jews inside the list to appear as "mixed" . Ahmed Tibi (party Raam-Tal), deputy at the Knesset, was the trusted counselor of Yasser Arafat for years and was with Abu-Mazen at the UN in November 2012. Hanin Zouabi (party Balad) was on the Marmara vessel in 2010 and participates too to the destruction of the State with our taxes.
Generally, Arab deputies are elected only on the Palestinian ticket, they neglect their voters, they last only because of the traditional tribes [Hamoulot] system, and grace to the primitiveness of the masses. Their lack of interest to improve the level of their population does not shock: it is one of the reasons of their stability in the Parliament.
I would like also, by irony too, remind their visits and the all smiling pictures, with Bashar Assad, Khadafi and other real "Progressist" [progressive] wonderful leaders. They have no shame, no regrets, the only goal is to work against Israel.
The second block gathers the orthodox or ultra-religious parties, anti-Zionist by nature, close to 100 years against the State of Israel.
It does not avoid them to have secretaries of state - not Ministers - they should then promise formal allegiance to the hatred State and its laws. The aim is simple, to live on the account of the civil society, massively not religious; which permits them to not serve in the army and to parasite in huge numbers. Their importance regularly increases. Yaadout Hatorah is the main central gathering of its Ashkenazi branch. No woman of course in the lists.
The other party representing the orthodox, even if receiving lots of non orthodox votes, is the Shas party. Born, it was said to be, to re-give its ancient glittering to the religious Sephardim, after the bitter years when the State was leaded by an Ashkenazi elite only; this party made only the exact contrary of what it promised, except bringing public money to the sector-based needs of some of their electors. This would be OK, as it is the way a democracy really works, but the Shas business went far so much in its everlasting lies. Lead first by Arie Dhery, condemned for corruption and who passed some years in jail, waiting for his come-back to arrive; then by Eli Ishay, a very pale imitation of Jean-Marie le Pen – and now both together in a pretending harmony, this party:
-is first of all taking care of the kashrut business of the Sofer family, the founder Ovadia Sofer very old already lets his family making all possible traffics that we know about from time to time via the still free media.
-Superstition and cult of personality are strongly forbidden by Judaism, they flourish at Shas where everything can be sold.
-Instead of an open and smiling usual Sepharadic practice, we have a black and closed imitation of the Ashkenazi practice.
Shas leaders put their own children inside the Ashkenazi schools and yeshivot when they preach the "Sepharadic pride".
They created with public money and often instead of the State an educational net wherein fundamentals are not taught, with lots of ignorant teachers, and the pupils who leave the schools are not adapted to the external world.
Worse: the movement which pretends itself "social" voted against the laws that tried to conserve the Welfare State, defending in the facts the worst savage capitalism.
Shas holds the record of deputies that went to jail. It is a party lead by a Tartuffe who plays the just and followed by a huge flock of primitives going their way to the slaughterhouse. There were times when Judaism had leaders. Today he has only stock-holders.
I almost ended to evocate the garbage parties.
On the Am Shalem [complete nation] of the rabbi Amsallem, ex-Shas, I will speak later.
I will present my for and against, as it has been many years already that I vote against and not positively for someone.
The first part concerns of course Zionism: no way for me to vote for an anti-Zionist party. Two big blocks make the essential of this heap.
The Arab parties, ethnically based, religious or revolutionary, with sometimes some Jews inside the list to appear as "mixed" . Ahmed Tibi (party Raam-Tal), deputy at the Knesset, was the trusted counselor of Yasser Arafat for years and was with Abu-Mazen at the UN in November 2012. Hanin Zouabi (party Balad) was on the Marmara vessel in 2010 and participates too to the destruction of the State with our taxes.
Generally, Arab deputies are elected only on the Palestinian ticket, they neglect their voters, they last only because of the traditional tribes [Hamoulot] system, and grace to the primitiveness of the masses. Their lack of interest to improve the level of their population does not shock: it is one of the reasons of their stability in the Parliament.
I would like also, by irony too, remind their visits and the all smiling pictures, with Bashar Assad, Khadafi and other real "Progressist" [progressive] wonderful leaders. They have no shame, no regrets, the only goal is to work against Israel.
The second block gathers the orthodox or ultra-religious parties, anti-Zionist by nature, close to 100 years against the State of Israel.
It does not avoid them to have secretaries of state - not Ministers - they should then promise formal allegiance to the hatred State and its laws. The aim is simple, to live on the account of the civil society, massively not religious; which permits them to not serve in the army and to parasite in huge numbers. Their importance regularly increases. Yaadout Hatorah is the main central gathering of its Ashkenazi branch. No woman of course in the lists.
The other party representing the orthodox, even if receiving lots of non orthodox votes, is the Shas party. Born, it was said to be, to re-give its ancient glittering to the religious Sephardim, after the bitter years when the State was leaded by an Ashkenazi elite only; this party made only the exact contrary of what it promised, except bringing public money to the sector-based needs of some of their electors. This would be OK, as it is the way a democracy really works, but the Shas business went far so much in its everlasting lies. Lead first by Arie Dhery, condemned for corruption and who passed some years in jail, waiting for his come-back to arrive; then by Eli Ishay, a very pale imitation of Jean-Marie le Pen – and now both together in a pretending harmony, this party:
-is first of all taking care of the kashrut business of the Sofer family, the founder Ovadia Sofer very old already lets his family making all possible traffics that we know about from time to time via the still free media.
-Superstition and cult of personality are strongly forbidden by Judaism, they flourish at Shas where everything can be sold.
-Instead of an open and smiling usual Sepharadic practice, we have a black and closed imitation of the Ashkenazi practice.
Shas leaders put their own children inside the Ashkenazi schools and yeshivot when they preach the "Sepharadic pride".
They created with public money and often instead of the State an educational net wherein fundamentals are not taught, with lots of ignorant teachers, and the pupils who leave the schools are not adapted to the external world.
Worse: the movement which pretends itself "social" voted against the laws that tried to conserve the Welfare State, defending in the facts the worst savage capitalism.
Shas holds the record of deputies that went to jail. It is a party lead by a Tartuffe who plays the just and followed by a huge flock of primitives going their way to the slaughterhouse. There were times when Judaism had leaders. Today he has only stock-holders.
I almost ended to evocate the garbage parties.
On the Am Shalem [complete nation] of the rabbi Amsallem, ex-Shas, I will speak later.
Editorial Saturday November 24 2012
What do we say in Israel after the cease-fire, as a temporary
I have others things to do than defending Israel in the media, some do the job much better than me, but still, even if only on strategy points, we have to put back some issues at their right place.
I can do that more easily because the missile that reached a house in Rishon Lezion fell down 800 meters from my house. It means maybe one millimeter inside the rocket-launcher.
1 First, if we'd really want to enter Gaza and destroy the Hamas regime, we have all the material capacities. Thousand chirurgic hits with 160 victims in a territory among the most dense in the world, world record of 2 paramilitary for 1 civilian; it is not an obligation when you make war to a terrorist state. To crush everything and kill ten thousands would mean to win the war, but it would be to lose the peace and drop down at our enemies' level and some other powers that we do not resemble. We have the capacity to break all and enter, but the political and moral cost is high too much, first because of the idea we hold on ourselves.
Enough is to see our burials and theirs, our calm and their hate, to start understanding who we deal with.
2 Some folks feel bad as we have "only" 6 dead in front of their 160.
What to say to the anti-Semitic Left, ideological garbage?
That we sanctify life, when Hamas & others sanctify death and suicide of the shahid? That our population lived and ran according to the shelters, obeying the instructions of civilian defense?
That we do not use civilians, including children, as human shields living beside rockets-launchers?
That the dead child shown at the start was a victim of a Hamas rocket that fell too soon?
That we continued all along the fire to supply Gaza with food electricity and more?
They say with no shame that we started the hostilities and you have some credulous to swallow that. 10.000 rockets on our civilian populations for years, it is not a start?
3 That we were afraid to enter? Our population, our reserve soldiers, they were more volunteer to enter Gaza than our government. The civilian society, the South populations who received thousands of rockets for years, wanted us to enter. They want peace, i.e. first the fact that they live in the normal calm of a day-to-day without perpetual threat.
Dissuasion is before all, to say and do, when live is unbearable in our South, that it is unbearable in Gaza too. Only balance of terror and fear or reprisals can stop the finger on the trigger. Even with primitive.
Our populations protested very little at the cease-fire evening by understanding the lack of any stable situation. Not by hate or death shouting against others.
4 So there is here a big frustration feeling because it is clear that it is only a drawn game; that nothing has been set up.
The world (at last) understands our need to defend ourselves but please, please do not enter!!! Ban Ki-Moon himself warns us not to do so, and this same day when he is in our capital Jerusalem, Hamas answers him by sending the first missile towards the town. Nice way to welcome him. They have no shame, no constraint. We only are morally judged. One law and another.
5 But the reaction by stomach does not solve anything. The brain must know how to separate between the important from the pure instinctive media image. This impression that we lost this round is warped.
First, and I reminded it this last week, the main arsenal of Hamas long range missiles is mainly destroyed, for a good period, real strategic threat in case of war on several fronts. Tsahal wanted to destroy these arsenals at first occasion, it came.
I have others things to do than defending Israel in the media, some do the job much better than me, but still, even if only on strategy points, we have to put back some issues at their right place.
I can do that more easily because the missile that reached a house in Rishon Lezion fell down 800 meters from my house. It means maybe one millimeter inside the rocket-launcher.
1 First, if we'd really want to enter Gaza and destroy the Hamas regime, we have all the material capacities. Thousand chirurgic hits with 160 victims in a territory among the most dense in the world, world record of 2 paramilitary for 1 civilian; it is not an obligation when you make war to a terrorist state. To crush everything and kill ten thousands would mean to win the war, but it would be to lose the peace and drop down at our enemies' level and some other powers that we do not resemble. We have the capacity to break all and enter, but the political and moral cost is high too much, first because of the idea we hold on ourselves.
Enough is to see our burials and theirs, our calm and their hate, to start understanding who we deal with.
2 Some folks feel bad as we have "only" 6 dead in front of their 160.
What to say to the anti-Semitic Left, ideological garbage?
That we sanctify life, when Hamas & others sanctify death and suicide of the shahid? That our population lived and ran according to the shelters, obeying the instructions of civilian defense?
That we do not use civilians, including children, as human shields living beside rockets-launchers?
That the dead child shown at the start was a victim of a Hamas rocket that fell too soon?
That we continued all along the fire to supply Gaza with food electricity and more?
They say with no shame that we started the hostilities and you have some credulous to swallow that. 10.000 rockets on our civilian populations for years, it is not a start?
3 That we were afraid to enter? Our population, our reserve soldiers, they were more volunteer to enter Gaza than our government. The civilian society, the South populations who received thousands of rockets for years, wanted us to enter. They want peace, i.e. first the fact that they live in the normal calm of a day-to-day without perpetual threat.
Dissuasion is before all, to say and do, when live is unbearable in our South, that it is unbearable in Gaza too. Only balance of terror and fear or reprisals can stop the finger on the trigger. Even with primitive.
Our populations protested very little at the cease-fire evening by understanding the lack of any stable situation. Not by hate or death shouting against others.
4 So there is here a big frustration feeling because it is clear that it is only a drawn game; that nothing has been set up.
The world (at last) understands our need to defend ourselves but please, please do not enter!!! Ban Ki-Moon himself warns us not to do so, and this same day when he is in our capital Jerusalem, Hamas answers him by sending the first missile towards the town. Nice way to welcome him. They have no shame, no constraint. We only are morally judged. One law and another.
5 But the reaction by stomach does not solve anything. The brain must know how to separate between the important from the pure instinctive media image. This impression that we lost this round is warped.
First, and I reminded it this last week, the main arsenal of Hamas long range missiles is mainly destroyed, for a good period, real strategic threat in case of war on several fronts. Tsahal wanted to destroy these arsenals at first occasion, it came.
Also, the other countries in the region who look at us, examined our war, precise, powerful, thought; and our worldwide unique defense, Iron Dome, which neutralized more than 80% of the real threats in its first round of real on line operation.
There is a new deal in the calculation of the real threats of their arsenal.
Frustration did you say? Getting closer to a certain French Left, they are too disappointed by the low number of victims at our side. All would have been much happier without Iron Dome. They would have received their count in Jewish blood.
Sorry to disappoint!
Hezbollah, the Iranian puppet, who speaks a lot but does not move for six years thanks to the hits then received, knows something on this topic.
6 The other good point is the Egyptian intervention of Mursi who pushed with anger Hamas towards cease-fire and diminished the Iranian influence in Gaza. The Muslim Brothers in Egypt want to give bread to their people under a very hard economical crisis. They need Western money for this. Hamas, a brother party, brings them only trouble: Sinai which became a strainer, Gaza who wants to push them to war after they massacred 16 Egyptian soldiers, a tension at the contrary of their goals to favor dropped tourism, an Iranian base at their frontier.
Morality: when the occidental give their taxes to Egypt, they help fundamentalist extremist who want to achieve stability in the region. When they give their money to Gaza, they keep on subsidizing terror. And it will continue.
7 On the other hand our right to legitimate defense does not avoid us, on the contrary, to try to reinstall a social justice put off by Bibi N. and his unrestrained capitalist ideology, killing not less than Hamas. Not the duty too, even if as theatre for a part, to negotiate with Abu Mazen (Mahmud Abbas), even without any illusion. A policy which strengthens the extremists and puts into parts the Palestinian Authority is dangerous, on some levels I will not develop now. Specially after that we managed to bring so many governmental visitors to Hamas.
8 I would like to remind that during the same week, against the 160 dead Palestinians, two thirds Hamas officers or soldiers; 800 civilians were massacred in Syria. Where are our Nice Pure Souls?
We evocated here more than once the warming of the situation in Gaza by Teheran to make forget the Iranian very active participation beside Bashar (Butcher) Assad. It is more than likely. Syrian opposition leaders say it too. Like with trains: one can hide another.
To end with a smile? Muhammad Def, the Hamas still surviving leader, tells them that their way [policy] brings them right to Paradise.
I wish them to reach it ASAP. Amen!
November 2012
B.B.C = Bullshit Bordel Crap.
As usual: easy to lie, easy to forge.
EDITORIAL Saturday November 17 2012
Because I don't live in the South of the country, under huge quantities of attacks of rockets and missiles, I will not pretend to communicate a “day to day news of the front”.
We are in war against Hamas, direct daughter of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers - despite they knew how to murder 16 Egyptian pacific soldiers. This fundamentalist Islamic organization was established in 1988 only to destroy Israel. They literally pulverized the rotten regime of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, massacring, knifing, torturing entire families of the AP leaders. Hate between them has only one buffer: to kill Jews.
Some lessons we can already understand from these first days:
1. Personal, not easy to know about an alert at home when at work, not easy to enter everybody in the shelter when 1minute 15 to do so. We hear the "booms”.
One missile directed to our capital Jerusalem yesterday, few towards the metropolitan Tel Aviv area, their long run capacities are very limited, although they certainly have some more. Our raids and attacks avoid them to launch more. A lot could be said about our precious intelligence capacities despite that since 2005 we are out of Gaza.
2. Hamas, supported by crowds of idiots thirsty for Jewish blood is committing 2 war crimes: they launch rockets on civilians, use their own population as a shelter to protect themselves, the main Gaza hospital being their personal shelter. On the other side they continuously try to reach the Soroka medical centre in Beer-Sheva, the biggest in the whole South of the country.
All their stocks of weapons and most of the launchers are positioned between the houses, and nevertheless we hit precisely. 40 dead at their side after more than 900 of our raids, it is not normal!
3. By some hazard, it is not the first time that I write in the memento and
the same week events are linked to what I publish: indirect strategy,
taking psychological positions, lie when reality does not grant you real success…
Everything is here nowadays.
In this asymmetric war, military power is not enough, psychological war must compensate the defeats on the ground. But Hamas has not reached yet any shocking image aimed to stir up nice western consciences and lies free on their assets during these first days of war, like Nasser did in 1967 with imaginary destructions on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
It can change if we enter. On the other hand there cannot be real decision without putting our foot on the ground and our creating physical pressure.
4. For more than two years already and helped by the Sinai which became an international terrorist base, Hamas armed itself with huge quantities of weapons. From Iran, Sudan, Libya, materials (despite the maritime blockade), instructors, military infrastructure; this whole arsenal started to be a strategic threat.
The worst scenario for us would be a war including all fronts: Iran and its satellites, Hezbollah in the North, cancer in the heart of suffocated Lebanon, and Hamas in the South. Syria for time being is not of any use.
The objective: Israel under a rain of missiles, paralyzed and with down moral.
One of the good things of this operation is the quasi neutralization of this arsenal; at least for a time. Curiously, no one mentions this point.
5. The fundamental change is linked to the results of "Iron Dome", direct fruit of the new technologies. They destroy most of the missiles and rockets directed to urban areas. After more than 500 missiles against us, where would we be without those batteries? I would like to remind here that the decision to realize the project was made against all rules and regulations. Some decided men went against the law and the unique thought, they made it against everybody.
The Israelis are good too much in disobeying. For this time they were right. This technological advantage, in this war, is a strategic advantage: almost no casualties, urban areas protected, we can keep on "rolling”.
So many more things to say…
In this asymmetric war, military power is not enough, psychological war must compensate the defeats on the ground. But Hamas has not reached yet any shocking image aimed to stir up nice western consciences and lies free on their assets during these first days of war, like Nasser did in 1967 with imaginary destructions on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
It can change if we enter. On the other hand there cannot be real decision without putting our foot on the ground and our creating physical pressure.
4. For more than two years already and helped by the Sinai which became an international terrorist base, Hamas armed itself with huge quantities of weapons. From Iran, Sudan, Libya, materials (despite the maritime blockade), instructors, military infrastructure; this whole arsenal started to be a strategic threat.
The worst scenario for us would be a war including all fronts: Iran and its satellites, Hezbollah in the North, cancer in the heart of suffocated Lebanon, and Hamas in the South. Syria for time being is not of any use.
The objective: Israel under a rain of missiles, paralyzed and with down moral.
One of the good things of this operation is the quasi neutralization of this arsenal; at least for a time. Curiously, no one mentions this point.
5. The fundamental change is linked to the results of "Iron Dome", direct fruit of the new technologies. They destroy most of the missiles and rockets directed to urban areas. After more than 500 missiles against us, where would we be without those batteries? I would like to remind here that the decision to realize the project was made against all rules and regulations. Some decided men went against the law and the unique thought, they made it against everybody.
The Israelis are good too much in disobeying. For this time they were right. This technological advantage, in this war, is a strategic advantage: almost no casualties, urban areas protected, we can keep on "rolling”.
So many more things to say…
Editorial Rosh Hashana 5773, September 2012
Hour to strike the balance?
Barack Obama continues his campaign. I notice that he makes it under his BO name and not any more under the BHO - Barack Hussein Obama as in 2008. The Hussein was thrown off to the secret dungeon, certainly disturbing nowadays. Because his lying policy in front of the Muslim world and Iran? Balance is not to be made, but petition is to be filed.
He did not understand anything about the inner hate of the Muslims against occidental civilization as its natural leader, and he is considered so by them whatever happens. On the contrary, he and Mrs. Clinton, very disappointing she too, betrayed true allies like Mubarak, and what did they receive in exchange if not spittle on the face.
The Democratic Party also started its adrift, being set up by pro-Arabic [anti-Israeli] cells. Apart from medical national insurance, a blessed revolution, what else after four years?
From here to think that Mitt Romney will be better? He really appears as a dud. Do have the Americans these leaders with so much no account as we have? Is it a fate?
Bibi Netanyaou is transforming the Israeli democracy to dictatorship. Power and capital together, media muzzled or on their way to close, criticism strangled, the middle classes slashed into shreds by his savage capitalism; with the support of different sorts of parasites.
And his dangerous blah-blah about Iran, his day by day lack of decision, his taking position within the American elections. This man takes us to catastrophe.
What amazes me, it is this [still] immense crowd of imbeciles, exploited until blood, ruined, at the edge because of him, still thinking to vote for the Likud or a satellite party.
There is here something absurd, then not explainable, which must stop one day.
I don't speak about new scandals of quasi corruption and parasitism of the Netanyaou family as some still free media publicize.
Pitiful, filthy, I have no words. Heart-breaking like a vulgar Martine Aubry or a shitty Cecile Duflot or a big nothing Limor Livnat (for instance).
Muslims are angry. However in the Muslim world, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian opuses are by thousands, in written, movies, preaches in mosques. Anti-Semitism is a prosperous industry. Even at our so called Palestinian friends and partners. And we the Jews, we don't say anything, we don't protest. Because it is natural. We are used to.
The Pope himself cannot travel inside Lebanon, Christianity lives dangerously everywhere inside the Arabic-Muslim sphere. Unique in the Middle-East, the Christians in Israel are really free. I am proud of it and hope it will keep on.
We got used to see a primitive and barbarian society, which, in the name of a god or a prophet, permits itself to commit all ugly actions and all crimes.
Everywhere they "criticize" Moses (much superior according to my opinion) or Jesus (who preached for love between brothers in humanity) but it would be insulting to laugh about the prophet? THEIR pride would be harmed?
What is worthy a culture which does not permit nor criticism, neither derision; even like self-mocking in Judaism? It is only the start of censorship.
And this is why in the United Kingdom they do not teach about the Shoah anymore. It was shocking certain minorities. Mohamed Merah [the Jewish-French children and Arab-French soldiers killer in Toulouse] is a model for lots of young coming from "sensitive" areas. Let's not shock those noble souls.
Barack Obama continues his campaign. I notice that he makes it under his BO name and not any more under the BHO - Barack Hussein Obama as in 2008. The Hussein was thrown off to the secret dungeon, certainly disturbing nowadays. Because his lying policy in front of the Muslim world and Iran? Balance is not to be made, but petition is to be filed.
He did not understand anything about the inner hate of the Muslims against occidental civilization as its natural leader, and he is considered so by them whatever happens. On the contrary, he and Mrs. Clinton, very disappointing she too, betrayed true allies like Mubarak, and what did they receive in exchange if not spittle on the face.
The Democratic Party also started its adrift, being set up by pro-Arabic [anti-Israeli] cells. Apart from medical national insurance, a blessed revolution, what else after four years?
From here to think that Mitt Romney will be better? He really appears as a dud. Do have the Americans these leaders with so much no account as we have? Is it a fate?
Bibi Netanyaou is transforming the Israeli democracy to dictatorship. Power and capital together, media muzzled or on their way to close, criticism strangled, the middle classes slashed into shreds by his savage capitalism; with the support of different sorts of parasites.
And his dangerous blah-blah about Iran, his day by day lack of decision, his taking position within the American elections. This man takes us to catastrophe.
What amazes me, it is this [still] immense crowd of imbeciles, exploited until blood, ruined, at the edge because of him, still thinking to vote for the Likud or a satellite party.
There is here something absurd, then not explainable, which must stop one day.
I don't speak about new scandals of quasi corruption and parasitism of the Netanyaou family as some still free media publicize.
Pitiful, filthy, I have no words. Heart-breaking like a vulgar Martine Aubry or a shitty Cecile Duflot or a big nothing Limor Livnat (for instance).
Muslims are angry. However in the Muslim world, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian opuses are by thousands, in written, movies, preaches in mosques. Anti-Semitism is a prosperous industry. Even at our so called Palestinian friends and partners. And we the Jews, we don't say anything, we don't protest. Because it is natural. We are used to.
The Pope himself cannot travel inside Lebanon, Christianity lives dangerously everywhere inside the Arabic-Muslim sphere. Unique in the Middle-East, the Christians in Israel are really free. I am proud of it and hope it will keep on.
We got used to see a primitive and barbarian society, which, in the name of a god or a prophet, permits itself to commit all ugly actions and all crimes.
Everywhere they "criticize" Moses (much superior according to my opinion) or Jesus (who preached for love between brothers in humanity) but it would be insulting to laugh about the prophet? THEIR pride would be harmed?
What is worthy a culture which does not permit nor criticism, neither derision; even like self-mocking in Judaism? It is only the start of censorship.
And this is why in the United Kingdom they do not teach about the Shoah anymore. It was shocking certain minorities. Mohamed Merah [the Jewish-French children and Arab-French soldiers killer in Toulouse] is a model for lots of young coming from "sensitive" areas. Let's not shock those noble souls.
Project vote for foreigners in France is a part of this same vote catching process dreamed by the Socialist party at the image of Martine Aubry and some prostituted deputies. Pressure is already strong but when the election will be dependant of certain voices that they go fishing with intense bowing, they will continue as they already do to create anti-Semitism and to lay the Republic down.
On the other side, when you don't call the things by their name, you prepare the bed of the National Front. Like the Left did in 1940. Same ideology, same poltroonery.
But all those stirred up herds around the world by a so-called movie that they did not see, they do not walk the streets when their brothers are massacred in Syria.
Then, they don't give a damn. Helped by Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China, Butcher Assad passed beyond his father's record. I spoke in a previous editorial about the Olympic Games and about the record Butcher Assad wanted to beat.
He reached his goal, he got the Gold medal. No doubt that in the next Paralympics Games in four years the Syrian delegation will be imposing. Butcher Assad prepares us a broad and great selection, of all ages and at all handicap levels.
We’ll need to create special competition for chemical weapons victims.
Iran and Hezbollah massacred more Arab civilians within few months only - and using what ways! – than Israel or any other State.
So what? Does it avoid the herd to bleat and spit his hate on others?
So, Happy new year!
Project vote for foreigners in France is a part of this same vote catching process dreamed by the Socialist party at the image of Martine Aubry and some prostituted deputies. Pressure is already strong but when the election will be dependant of certain voices that they go fishing with intense bowing, they will continue as they already do to create anti-Semitism and to lay the Republic down.
On the other side, when you don't call the things by their name, you prepare the bed of the National Front. Like the Left did in 1940. Same ideology, same poltroonery.
But all those stirred up herds around the world by a so-called movie that they did not see, they do not walk the streets when their brothers are massacred in Syria.
Then, they don't give a damn. Helped by Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China, Butcher Assad passed beyond his father's record. I spoke in a previous editorial about the Olympic Games and about the record Butcher Assad wanted to beat.
He reached his goal, he got the Gold medal. No doubt that in the next Paralympics Games in four years the Syrian delegation will be imposing. Butcher Assad prepares us a broad and great selection, of all ages and at all handicap levels.
We’ll need to create special competition for chemical weapons victims.
Iran and Hezbollah massacred more Arab civilians within few months only - and using what ways! – than Israel or any other State.
So what? Does it avoid the herd to bleat and spit his hate on others?
So, Happy new year!
Wednesday 13 June 2012 Editorial
The report published today concerning the Islamist Marmara
flotilla 2 years ago is overwhelming but nothing changed.
If we do not help the Syrians – not the fundamentalists – on a
humanitarian level and also with contacts and weapons, then we are idiots.
If we do not speak loud and clear and continuously to the Arab
masses, then we are idiots.
The worst is that it is everlasting, real idiots we are.
Friday 8 June 2012 Editorial
For the approaching Olympic Games, everyone gives the best of himself in order to be on top and beat records.
40 dead, then 70, then 90; and then 110 dead
including tens of children and elders.
Daddy Assad massacred twenty thousand people in Hama, son Basha
"Butcher" has still lots of efforts to make but he is training properly.
At the end he will receive his medal. Russia and China will put it around his
neck. Let's keep hoping!
Saturday April 21 2012
Following my father's death I created a page on my parents which
will be improved with time. I added also to my internet links some
addresses showing the work my father did against the rotten negationist shit.
I will get back on this issue later. The strategic Israeli memento will be back and continue.
We shot down an Islamic Jihad terrorist chief on its way to an action in the Sinai. They shot rockets and missiles (on our towns and civilians of course), and we hurt 17 terrorists and 3 civilians who were close too much of the launching bases, which means that we did not intend to touch civilians.
Bashar (Butcher) Assad freely launches rockets on his own quarters (Sunnites it's true), his own civilians, he organizes killings, rapes, sackings, massacres to destroy the wind of the revolt.
So logically, Erdogan, the Turkish PM, received Hamas as a full friendly State and accuses us to commit a massacre, we are the barbarians.
It should be funny, it is not.
International guaranties? And if we were the Syrians today? What would they do for us? They would speak, they would say that the issue is urgent, they would seriously deliberate (I mean with serious faces) of the new Jewish problem. Sarkozy, Obama, those who are our friends, all would speak. It would be moving. As a lesson to drug-addicted of diplomacy without the force.
In the meantime the Palestinians continue, they, to make noise, to ask for cajolery, to be taken care. All the nice souls are focusing only on them.
How lucky they are!
But nothing doing, the real victims are the Syrians.
Why do we do nothing to help them, even us, the State of the refugees from Europe and the Arab world who deported us, at least on a humanitarian level? Even if not officially, even if without any idiot public declaration?
So the Palestinians, who never had so many billionaires, even in Gaza, no care, it is high time for them, these parasites, to start taking care of their problems instead of whimpering. Too many years used to this victimization process, enough!
And let them taking care of their brothers, who are really massacred. And let everybody taking care. It is unbearable. It is urgent.
And I don't speak about those pissing Anti-Semitic ladies style Arthaud-Achtung or Eva Joly-Joker who consider Gaza as a “concentration camp”. In Syria, to Tibet, Chechenya, I will send those pieces of shit. To vote for Hollande is to vote for them.
Saturday March 24 2012 Dear reader,
My father died this night and I go to France for the next 2 weeks.
The blog will be silent.
My father was a Shoa survivor and was giving, these last years,
testimony in schools (colleges) in France.
I am not here by hazard.
Saturday February 11 2012 Editorial - Free opinion
Raus at the French Socialist Party
Some years ago a French (Jewish) Socialist deputy at the European Parliament presented an overwhelming report against the Palestinian Authority explaining how the money taken from taxes paid by European citizens was financing terror. Out the deputy, the French Socialists put him off from their list. Silently.
Some weeks ago we were informed that for the next Parliament elections, the Socialist Party was giving three circumscriptions to the ecologists. By hazard, it appeared that the 3 leaving deputies are Jews, and more than this, heinous crime, they do not belong to the mobs of dogs spitting on Israel. All this as a present given to a party, anti-Semitic from its roots, the least for an ecological party.
One other Jew was to give up his siege for internal reasons. Silently.
And now we learn, from a tiny press announce, that Julien Dray too, another Jew leaving representative, will not be supported by the Party but they take a Muslim candidate instead. Silently.
I do not believe in conspiracies, not more than I believe in hazard.
This Juden Raus policy is the fruit of the strategy of Pascal Boniface, Jean-Louis Bianco, Montebourg, Glavany and friends: to suck the ass of the Muslims in France as they are a huge minority and to throw off the Jews who, as usual, are a pain in the ass.
So Hollande passes by the CRIF dinner to be shown a little, a council full of toads with inflated ego, representing no one but themselves and never act, except when protecting (Jewish) murderers from being prosecuted in Israel.
In the same time other parties (Communist, Ecologists, extreme left etc… want to prevent a KKL dinner. The KKL planted more trees in the desert than all the French Ecologists altogether.
I grew up in a France tainted with some classic right anti-Semitism and the one from a part of the left which was called "progressive", hypnotized by everything that was presented as Third World. I don't even speak about the Communist party, the hand of Moscow.
We forgot the left wing anti-Semitism, not less murderous, as Simon Epstein's works revealed these late years.
Let's smile a bit: at the same CRIF dinner was another right candidate, long lasting Israel hurling abuse: Dominique de Vile Pine. In 2003 he was against war in Iraq - then Saddam Hussein had credit for more than 6 billions of Euros for weapons and others - but officially of course for moral reasons. No shame, no ridiculousness.
In Israel we are in a bad situation, in France not in a better one.
Saturday February 2 2012 Editorial free opinion
Turkey will grant Hamas annual financial help (300 USD millions) that Iran cannot send anymore. Hamas was created to destroy the State of Israel. It is its raison d'etre.
It is known worldwide as a terrorist movement, and I don't remind the way it took the power in Gaza or massacred Fatah people in Gaza. Known so, but not by Russia, this so great modern democrusher, and Turkey that Erdovan dreams to rebuild as new Ottoman Empire.
Normal relationships with this mad? To give money to Hamas, it is a clear declaration of war, let's not be mistaken. It is a (supplementary) declaration of principles with no ambiguity.
So it was said that Bibi (Binyamin Netanyahu) is a liar! Indeed, what a surprise! And politicians are the people who said so. People who never lie, Obama and Sarkozy. It is true that Bibi is not credible, never was his strong side. The first time he was PM (1996) we already were towards the catastrophe and things are not improving. I don't understand the popularity of this illusionist as we can see all his tricks. 15 years long I don’t believe a word from him. How can be the herd after him still so numerous?
True, there is no real alternative yet, healthy and just in spirit. We are in a bad situation.
And despite the villainous laws he did not manage to pass, and the massive support of the money powers he depends on, in Israel, he still can lose elections and leave the power with no violence. There is [still] a democratic background.
Ben Gurion, Begin, Sharon, we had some real leaders.
I foresee this with no difficulty: next summer will be hot.
Syria. The chief of the mission of the Arab League who came to Syria was the torturer of hundreds of thousands in Darfour. He went to Damascus as a connoisseur in violence to civilians, at Butcher Assad's invitation. He says that everything is O.K.
In Jennin during fights, there were 25 dead and Palestinians shouted "massacre". Five, six thousand, there are only statistics?
We live just beside these people who suffer, and we can do nothing for them. The world could, they don't want, Russia (once more?) gives Assad unlimited support. Same with Hezbollah and Iran who send troops to decimate the Syrians.
I hope one day Syria will be more democratic a little bit, and the population will remember what were the nationalities of its butchers. Then we will be able to make peace. Even if it is not for tomorrow.
Haled Mashal is leaving Syria, it is too dangerous anymore for this sucker of a dictator's ass today in difficulty and killer of Palestinians. He is looking for a quiet place from where he will send terrorist attacks. The Muslim Brothers in Egypt invited him, Jordan is dealing tactfully with him, but, on the other hand, to Gaza he will not go. Even Hamasland is not a place good enough for so great a leader.
Revolutionist of the salon, balloon, rotten, the important being in sending other people to die in order to meet 72 virgins in recompense.
An ideology which would promise 72 virgins to unfaithful [not believers, wrong believers, no care, you are one of them…] murderers, would it shock you? But if it is a religion, supported by tens of thousands of doctors of the faith?
It is with this sort of people that in France, some atheist who call themselves the Left, do wallow.
And concerning Abou Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), he does not know what more he could do to glorify terrorism and its agents. Education of hate ,incitation to violence.
He is sowing the wind, he will lose control of the tempest.
At this level, to compare Bibi and Abou Mazen is simply dishonesty.
Bibi is a foul tricker but that's all, one more stingy politician in a still democratic regime. At any level of saying or doing – or not doing – he cannot be compared to Abou Mazen.
A Palestinian Authority (the word is really not matching), rotten, leaded by toads like Arikat and similar, hardly supported by the taxes of European and American citizens; a words windmill glorifying terror. Palestinians are the kings of double talk.
Why, in the whole Arab world, no one street protest supporting the Syrian people?
Against Israel every pretext is good to push crowds out in the streets. A massacre of brothers, no one really cares.
OCTOBER 15 2011 Editorial
Tuesday 27th September
Some years ago a French (Jewish) Socialist deputy at the European Parliament presented an overwhelming report against the Palestinian Authority explaining how the money taken from taxes paid by European citizens was financing terror. Out the deputy, the French Socialists put him off from their list. Silently.
Some weeks ago we were informed that for the next Parliament elections, the Socialist Party was giving three circumscriptions to the ecologists. By hazard, it appeared that the 3 leaving deputies are Jews, and more than this, heinous crime, they do not belong to the mobs of dogs spitting on Israel. All this as a present given to a party, anti-Semitic from its roots, the least for an ecological party.
One other Jew was to give up his siege for internal reasons. Silently.
And now we learn, from a tiny press announce, that Julien Dray too, another Jew leaving representative, will not be supported by the Party but they take a Muslim candidate instead. Silently.
I do not believe in conspiracies, not more than I believe in hazard.
This Juden Raus policy is the fruit of the strategy of Pascal Boniface, Jean-Louis Bianco, Montebourg, Glavany and friends: to suck the ass of the Muslims in France as they are a huge minority and to throw off the Jews who, as usual, are a pain in the ass.
So Hollande passes by the CRIF dinner to be shown a little, a council full of toads with inflated ego, representing no one but themselves and never act, except when protecting (Jewish) murderers from being prosecuted in Israel.
In the same time other parties (Communist, Ecologists, extreme left etc… want to prevent a KKL dinner. The KKL planted more trees in the desert than all the French Ecologists altogether.
I grew up in a France tainted with some classic right anti-Semitism and the one from a part of the left which was called "progressive", hypnotized by everything that was presented as Third World. I don't even speak about the Communist party, the hand of Moscow.
We forgot the left wing anti-Semitism, not less murderous, as Simon Epstein's works revealed these late years.
Let's smile a bit: at the same CRIF dinner was another right candidate, long lasting Israel hurling abuse: Dominique de Vile Pine. In 2003 he was against war in Iraq - then Saddam Hussein had credit for more than 6 billions of Euros for weapons and others - but officially of course for moral reasons. No shame, no ridiculousness.
In Israel we are in a bad situation, in France not in a better one.
Saturday February 2 2012 Editorial free opinion
Turkey will grant Hamas annual financial help (300 USD millions) that Iran cannot send anymore. Hamas was created to destroy the State of Israel. It is its raison d'etre.
It is known worldwide as a terrorist movement, and I don't remind the way it took the power in Gaza or massacred Fatah people in Gaza. Known so, but not by Russia, this so great modern democrusher, and Turkey that Erdovan dreams to rebuild as new Ottoman Empire.
Normal relationships with this mad? To give money to Hamas, it is a clear declaration of war, let's not be mistaken. It is a (supplementary) declaration of principles with no ambiguity.
So it was said that Bibi (Binyamin Netanyahu) is a liar! Indeed, what a surprise! And politicians are the people who said so. People who never lie, Obama and Sarkozy. It is true that Bibi is not credible, never was his strong side. The first time he was PM (1996) we already were towards the catastrophe and things are not improving. I don't understand the popularity of this illusionist as we can see all his tricks. 15 years long I don’t believe a word from him. How can be the herd after him still so numerous?
True, there is no real alternative yet, healthy and just in spirit. We are in a bad situation.
And despite the villainous laws he did not manage to pass, and the massive support of the money powers he depends on, in Israel, he still can lose elections and leave the power with no violence. There is [still] a democratic background.
Ben Gurion, Begin, Sharon, we had some real leaders.
I foresee this with no difficulty: next summer will be hot.
Syria. The chief of the mission of the Arab League who came to Syria was the torturer of hundreds of thousands in Darfour. He went to Damascus as a connoisseur in violence to civilians, at Butcher Assad's invitation. He says that everything is O.K.
In Jennin during fights, there were 25 dead and Palestinians shouted "massacre". Five, six thousand, there are only statistics?
We live just beside these people who suffer, and we can do nothing for them. The world could, they don't want, Russia (once more?) gives Assad unlimited support. Same with Hezbollah and Iran who send troops to decimate the Syrians.
I hope one day Syria will be more democratic a little bit, and the population will remember what were the nationalities of its butchers. Then we will be able to make peace. Even if it is not for tomorrow.
Haled Mashal is leaving Syria, it is too dangerous anymore for this sucker of a dictator's ass today in difficulty and killer of Palestinians. He is looking for a quiet place from where he will send terrorist attacks. The Muslim Brothers in Egypt invited him, Jordan is dealing tactfully with him, but, on the other hand, to Gaza he will not go. Even Hamasland is not a place good enough for so great a leader.
Revolutionist of the salon, balloon, rotten, the important being in sending other people to die in order to meet 72 virgins in recompense.
An ideology which would promise 72 virgins to unfaithful [not believers, wrong believers, no care, you are one of them…] murderers, would it shock you? But if it is a religion, supported by tens of thousands of doctors of the faith?
It is with this sort of people that in France, some atheist who call themselves the Left, do wallow.
And concerning Abou Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), he does not know what more he could do to glorify terrorism and its agents. Education of hate ,incitation to violence.
He is sowing the wind, he will lose control of the tempest.
At this level, to compare Bibi and Abou Mazen is simply dishonesty.
Bibi is a foul tricker but that's all, one more stingy politician in a still democratic regime. At any level of saying or doing – or not doing – he cannot be compared to Abou Mazen.
A Palestinian Authority (the word is really not matching), rotten, leaded by toads like Arikat and similar, hardly supported by the taxes of European and American citizens; a words windmill glorifying terror. Palestinians are the kings of double talk.
Why, in the whole Arab world, no one street protest supporting the Syrian people?
Against Israel every pretext is good to push crowds out in the streets. A massacre of brothers, no one really cares.
DECEMBER 26 2011 – Editorial - The year ends badly.
In Syria the massacre of
civilians and children by the junta of Butcher Assad reaches levels we did
not believe possible any more, even in the Arab world.
These people are courageous and admirable but they are alone.
Russia of Poutine the democrashit (and China) support this abject regime and the Arab brothers blah-blah. The Arab League will send inspectors of ended operations like the Iranians took care of the UN atomic inspectors.
Here in Israel we get closer to Teheran with activists who, in the name of religion, make the law against the police the army and most of the population, including women and small girls. Parasitic and violent. Ignorant and barbarians.
Jews of sheet, you don't have only in France.
And this urine government managed by a low level politician, a minister of strange (foreign) affairs, hybrid of Raspoutine and Le Pen; his secretary Idiot Ayalon whose ego is more inflated than his incompetency, a finance minister un-sufficient but full of self-complacency and the villainous laws they want to push.
Yes, we get closer to Teheran and it is before all an issue of lack of leadership.
"The fish stincks from the head" we say in Hebrew.
And Abou Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) who travels to suck the ass of the worst terrorist wench because it is good for his popularity among his people.
What a difference between the Syrians after 40 years of dictatorship and the Palestinians after 40 years of parasitology. The one who were to be the avant-garde enter back to their dustbins and the ones without a face re-become human.
So, the year ends badly.
The only good news is that the Arab League finally threatened Assad that if he does not comply with their ultimatum, they will…
edit a new one.
Shwer tse zeyn ha Yid!!
These people are courageous and admirable but they are alone.
Russia of Poutine the democrashit (and China) support this abject regime and the Arab brothers blah-blah. The Arab League will send inspectors of ended operations like the Iranians took care of the UN atomic inspectors.
Here in Israel we get closer to Teheran with activists who, in the name of religion, make the law against the police the army and most of the population, including women and small girls. Parasitic and violent. Ignorant and barbarians.
Jews of sheet, you don't have only in France.
And this urine government managed by a low level politician, a minister of strange (foreign) affairs, hybrid of Raspoutine and Le Pen; his secretary Idiot Ayalon whose ego is more inflated than his incompetency, a finance minister un-sufficient but full of self-complacency and the villainous laws they want to push.
Yes, we get closer to Teheran and it is before all an issue of lack of leadership.
"The fish stincks from the head" we say in Hebrew.
And Abou Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) who travels to suck the ass of the worst terrorist wench because it is good for his popularity among his people.
What a difference between the Syrians after 40 years of dictatorship and the Palestinians after 40 years of parasitology. The one who were to be the avant-garde enter back to their dustbins and the ones without a face re-become human.
So, the year ends badly.
The only good news is that the Arab League finally threatened Assad that if he does not comply with their ultimatum, they will…
edit a new one.
Shwer tse zeyn ha Yid!!
OCTOBER 15 2011 Editorial
Gilead Shalit's freeing is good news for the Israelis, soldiers
sent in missions and citizens as Gilead was everybody's son.
With no doubt after so long a time.
Price we pay is very high, partly known in advance (I speak about
60% of the terrorists who come back to weapons – which means kill civilians)
but the State, which went astray these years by deplorable agreements, had no
real choice.
It comes just when I reach the ethics chapter in my blog!
So we discover new arithmetic which should reinforce the respect
that some in the Arab world complain they do not receive:
1 kidnapped soldier with no Red Cross visit = 1000 terrorists in
deluxe prisons.
In short: 1 Israeli Jew = 1000 Arabs.
Revolutionary equation - the theory of relativity, in comparison,
is pure joking.
Respect, you deserve it. It is not a question of bombing yourself
in a bus crowded of kids and elders, even if their culture and their imams
prone it.
No, not all civilizations are equal. Yes, there are moral values
that make the difference.
You can sometimes be proud of being an occidental or related to.
At the French Socialist-Whores party
Martine Aubry, representing this Left with strong posture in
blah-blah but weak facing the Islamists, reminded the Palestinians at the end
of her dual with the other candidate Francois Hollande. She immediately tried
to seem to balance her saying with a non logical sentence concerning Israel,
unclear but saying so much when analyzing the words and the way.
Not only la-ment-able, no, just a candidate to take a leak, no, to
And this wants to lead France? So low did we sink?
Montebourg, another anti-Israeli leader of the party is supporting
Hollande, like Segolene Royal with Bianco and Boniface, the worst rubbish.
All of them will meet in the government to spit on Israel.
At least we know who not to vote for!!!
Tuesday 27th September
My very dear readers,
This blog is only four months old and the adventure is still at
its start.
I am Israeli and French, Zionist, barbaresque and free thinker.
I hope to gather readers who are responsible citizens, found of
supporting the occidental democracy even with its imperfections.
I still hope receiving commentaries from time to time.
I don't know even in what language you read me.
Four months for a blog which is not aimed to everybody and without
real promo, it is very little time but I already have some regular
first in the United States, then in Germany, in France and Israel.
Came from time to time people in Ukraine, Belgium and
Some passed by only once: United Kingdom, Morocco, Tunisia, Swiss,
la Reunion, Estonia.
Entered this week: Burkina-Faso, Russia, Australia
Please do not hesitate to push my blog to potential readers,
I think you in advance.
Let me present you my best wishes for the coming year, 5772
to the Hebrew calendar.
AUGUST 21 2011 Editorial
Arabic spring and Israeli summer and plenty of news
In the heat of this summer, a period that should be a
"dead" period for news,
period of vacations and forgetting, events rush in and there is no
day with a new big front page title; without speaking of news items.
In the memento I try to conserve a well-balanced expression but
here I freely blow off the steam.
1 Assad's Syria helped by Hizbollah, Iran and Hamas is committing
a massacre on Arab peaceful citizens including Palestinians living in Syrian
camps. What can you do to divert the attention on this massacre? To create
tension in Gaza, Egypt and Israel.
So once more the bad guy is the Jewish one and everything is OK.
Will be the Arabs so idiot not to see the trick?
I hope and start to think that they are not so primitive as they
leaders think.
2 Personal, the swindling I have been victim from the Pelephone
mobile phones company. I will not give details by now as I am still at the
beginning of the process against them but I surely patiently will go till the
end, until justice is made and they pay high their crooks behaviour.
They felt on the wrong victim but they do not know yet!
3 More seriously, Syria and above all the Syrians, today the most
courageous people on the Globe. Protesters in the West, Gagny or Totenham, some
post-men [French allusion] and "progressive" or so-called pacifists
of my ass, who have only hate for Israel as steelyard, all these
bullshiters (neologism) should take care of this assieged nation by its own
national army, obeying a bloody dictator. I never understood the nice treatment
the Assad family was reserved for decades, broadly by the Western but specially
by French prostitution. There is no real logical reason explaining this
The Israeli I am hopes that democratic forces will prevail one day
in Syria, not once more Muslim Brothers. Then we will be able to make peace,
the real one, and we all will live a normal life.
4 It is true also for the Palestinians who have limited choice
between Hamas, religious fundamentalism and military dictatorship - but
supported by all the leftist frenchy-occidental deviants; and a Palestinian
Authority mother of the whole corruptions and which does not recognize yet the
right for the Jewish People for his own State.
The "Jewish State" expression embarrasses Alain Juppe
too, seeming to return to his old daemons. True that they overpopulate the left
but still, idiots are not only leftist.
5 Meanwhile the middle classes spoiled from the Israeli State
protest; against a policy aimed only to crush them down, hundreds of thousands
of citizens simply wishing to live normally, decently, to work and to end the
All this in a nice fresh atmosphere still innocent and without any
It is so nice, for me a renewal of Zionism, the real one the only
one: to build and to build one' self.
6 So, our so-righteous-and-nice-pretty-souls gather - in a double
movement condemning Israel and supporting, morally and/or physically, the
Syrian regime - rejoining its last supports: Hezbollah and Iran who send troops
and material to break the protesters and Hamas who shuts its mouth concerning
the massacres of Palestinians in their camps inside Syria.
In the Middle-East you often discover that the opposite of the
inverse of the contrary occurs!
The enemies of your enemies are not always your friends. It is
above all the proof that dictatorial regimes do not offer any stability.
7 More generally people have to remind and impregnate themselves
that Muslims between them are committing terrorists attacks and bombings around
mosquees and hospitals, Chiites and Sunnites, terrorism is more intra-Muslim
than anti-Christian, Copt or Jewish.
8 So our government wants the farmers to pay for the price
increase of dairy products. Price of milk increased by 4% these last years but
retail prices of dairy rose up by 40%.
Who is stealing us? The 3 big dairy plants – Tnuva, Strauss and
Tara - and the 2 big retail chains - Supersal and Mega. So we may import cheese
from abroad but prices will not drop down. It will only permit to put off
farmers to free lands to speculation which will enrich the richest.
It is pure anti-Zionism, at every level, and we must expell the
soonest any government who would go this way.
9 Good news on the other side: this dung government seems to hold
right on an important issue: no excuse to the Turkish associates of the
terrorists that worked on the Marmara piss flotilla (yah right letters!) in
2010. We even resist Obama and Clinton on this issue.
Nou! No despairing!
EDITORIAL - July 23 2011
and national immunity
to a UN report concerning the 2010 Marmara flotilla, which should be made
public these very days (publication was delayed for unclear reasons, it was
spoken even of Israeli pressure); Turkey is to present excuses to the State of
backed up an Islamist extremist organization to send the flotilla to Gaza. They
pretended that the blockade was not legal but yes it is. They fired up the
region with a provocation with the evident aim to harm us. The Turks knew that
under the cover of pacifists were hidden activists aiming to kill Israel
soldiers. High ranked Turkish officers intentionally des-informed us to ensure
the success of the violent mission.
this reprisals operation followed a mental defective action of humiliation
against the Turkish ambassador in Israel, whose principal clown was the
secretary of foreign affairs Dany defect Ayalon. True that it was not only
because of this event but the flotilla was sweet revenge.
Sorry dear readers but, after we were attacked by premeditation and that we
defended ourselves, that we killed terrorists disguised into pacifists, it
appears that it would be the Israeli government, prime minister and minister of
defense ahead, that would apologize and even indemnify the
"victims" in order to finance new terrorists.
on social workers, doctors, teachers, youngsters, Tsahal reservists and much
more other citizens working and building the State you can spit; these you can
oppress and eradicate.
certainly not stand up when facing a hostile foreign government animated by
religious hate.
to defend our rights to defend ourselves, it is a part of our immunity strength
as a nation.
to your own citizens, slackness and vulgar flattery against exterior enemies,
it is treason.
In case
any sort of apology would be announced, this government must fall down, the
sooner the better.
In the
same way and after serious checking, Israeli and international on the legal
basis of the blockade, the toilet paper "liberation" (sold in France
as a daily newspaper instead of rolls at the supermarket), will present too its
apologies, at the same front page with same big fonts it used then to edit its
title: "Israel pirate State".
what, forbidden to dream? I would have prosecuted them in tribunal.
Tuesday July 9th Editorial
On June 25 I wrote:
On June 25 I wrote:
" Here too we
assassinate – every day for years we wait to die the Shoah last survivors
to save from the State budget. The government, the leading technocrats of the
Finance Ministry and their future bosses kill with cold blood, in silence,
behind the closed doors where the old and weak survive. Them as a symbol for
many other population categories.
But here no pictures, no physical tangible violence seen,
sterile murder with no face.
It passes between two news spins."
Yesterday on radio 103, both Gabi Gazit and Nathan Zeavi
spoke about this un-stopping scandal. They quoted a Minister, survivor of the
Shoa, calling murderer the finance minister. He is right but what is he still
doing in a government that lost its legitimacy?
They break Israel into pieces from the inside all time long,
they break the social fabric which alone and more than everything else can
"hold" the country and make us face all the dangers.
To sell the Zionist values and the State to a few rich, not
to lead anything but just pretend that you lead, yes, it is high treason. The
State does not lack only apartments for its residents, it lacks prisons.
More personal: My father lives in France and gives his
testimony into colleges as a survivor of the Shoa and a proud Jew. He is doing
a huge remarkable work facing not always easy youngsters.
I thank God, me the Zionist, every day he lives in France in
a respectable way and not here, in this country where they would steal his
compensations paid by the Germans.
spring, Israeli winter
Here in
Israel people
sit in front of their computer and press "like" because, really, the
price of the Cottage cheese, symbolic item, is high too much. Great success,
first time it seems that a consumerist short movement manages to delay price
front of them managers of the savage capitalism because they are cruel and a
mental defective government, reflecting the period as its main characteristic
is lack of leadership.
nothing, governing nothing, just selling the State
in Syria people
get down to the street gather and protest.
front of them a dictatorial regime that thought that it is the cruelest so the
We see
the death, there are pictures, there is noise.
too we
assassinate – every day for years we wait to die the Shoah last survivors to
save from the State budget. The government, the leading technocrats of the
Finance Ministry and their future bosses kill with cold blood, in silence,
behind the closed doors where the old and weak survive. Them as a symbol for
many other population categories
here no pictures, no physical tangible violence seen, sterile murder with no
passes between two news spins.
Here in
everybody is looking the TV "Big Brother" show, primitive voyeurism,
insult to common sense and to respect for humanity. Here no
"like" but sms to chose the hero.
in Syria Big
Brother looks like the real original one and he looks after the man who thinks
freely. In danger is who dares.
too after
a short period there will be no need to search for: there will be no more
thinking person and that is the goal.
for war, it is forbidden to believe that it is fate and that there is nothing
The one
who weakens the State of Israel is its real first enemy, and he is inside
spring, worldwide spring
We the
Israelis, like most of the Western peoples by the way, we always looked from
above these Arabic populations, used from eternity to dictatorship and
corruption, these herds drug addicted by hate against us (the unfaithful) and
stupidity by their dictators.
And we
believed it is eternal.
like the East Europeans against communism, like the Iranians, like everywhere
else one day or another when they have no more to lose, men get up and stand.
want to live free and quietly, still a luxury in this world.
Syrians who protest and rise up today are our human brothers.
give us an incredible lesson of courage.
course, the West shuts down and makes nothing real. Poor democracy.
As an
Israeli I see once more the "value" of western guaranties concerning
my security: written on toilet paper.
meantime, these men woman and children bombed by helicopters and decimated, we
must help them. Let us send them a peace flotilla towards Latakia.
Let us
support them, let's speak on this issue. Not like Darfour where hundreds of
thousands of men (Christians massacred by Moslems helped by Chinese, nobody's
perfect) continue to be cleaned.
is the urgency? Idiotism is human like cucumber was Spanish.
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